Friday, April 20, 2012

Oh my God

Look at... look at what they've done to Blogger.

This is horrid.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

There and Back Again

Three hundred and sixty five days later, and it's all over. When I first started this challenge, I said that I hoped to become healthier, happier, and more fulfilled.

I think the pinnacle of such feelings occurred this summer. I met Jesse, I was having so much fun with Jessica and Ashley, and I had nothing to worry about for months.

Then the fall started, and there was all sorts of stress involved, topping it off with having to move out of the house I grew up in.

I can't say I expected all of this to happen. I can't say I expected to be making such a year-end post. I feel like I'm in a state of flux, and I can't shake it. My mood keeps jumping about, and it doesn't take much anymore to set me off. I think the worst of it is that this house doesn't feel like a home, yet. My mother is in love with it, and I think the disparity between us is causing a lot of the conflict in recent weeks.

Before this turns into a shame spiral, there were a multitude of great things that happened this year. I realized I was gay and okay with it, met someone I love, went to my first concert with Ashley and had an amazing time, went to Busch Gardens with Jessica, went to Harry Potter World, traveled across multiple states several times for love, turned 21, got Tumblr, and made some friends online and in reality. I feel like I've really gotten closer to Ashley and Jessica, too. They're honestly the best friends I could ever ask for.

So, at the end of the year, I'd say if I have gained anything from this year, I'd say it was enlightenment. Everyday I learn something new, good or bad. Life is random and weird, and sometimes it hurts, but sometimes it's great, too.

As I end this post, I have to say that I think I'm at a crossroads of my life. I don't know where I'm going, or what tomorrow will bring me, but it's coming, and could go any way imaginable.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I can't believe this, but tomorrow will be one year ago that I started blogging everyday. Or, at least making a post for everyday.

It's strange, really. I've gotten so used to making them that they just seemed like a part of my day-to-day schedule. It'll be weird not to have a new post for everyday. I mean, I'll still update often, just not everyday. Which is actually good news, because having something to say will mean more quality posts, as opposed to my summation of the day posts that I've made so often.

The year really flew by, I think. I mean, it just feels like yesterday that I started posting everyday, but so much has changed since then. I'll talk about it more tomorrow, but it's still surreal to think about.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Actually enjoyed Physio Psych today

Which is weird, because most of the time I can't understand what we're talking about due to sleepiness and how bizarre biology is. But, I think it helps that my professor kept getting side-tracked by theoretical physics, multiverses, and optical illusions. Plus, he liked my experiment idea, which is awesome, because now I don't have to worry about thinking up a new one.

I went to Eager Beaver and got my car cleaned and vacuumed for the first time in ages, and it looks so pretty now.

I got the talk about job-hunting again. Subbing is looking like it won't be happening again, at least not at the elementary school level. Time will tell if I can sub at Verot. I'm going to talk to my dad about talking to my aunt and having her see if I can get a job in her field, since she does social work. That'd be good, since social work goes hand-in-hand with psychology.

Also... Mass Effect 3 will be in my hands this time next week. #Obsessed.

Monday, February 27, 2012

My professor really liked my story

He said it was hilarious and that I could write well, which was a major confidence boost. I decided to go ahead and post the story here, since I'm really happy with it.

The Rocket Scientist
I ordered the salmon, but I only ate the truffle risotto.
The Lakers game played over the bar, a huddled mass cheering and booing with each throw or pass. Seated in front of me, the girl whined like an incontinent puppy begging to go out, only the girl just wanted my attention. I focused on her big, marble-colored eyes and her bleach blonde curls. Her name was Sofia, but everyone called her Newt. For what reason, I didn’t ask. It’s unprofessional to get too personal in my line of work. She had delicately shattered the caramel shell of her crème brulee, eating it in tiny nibbles, as though small portions would keep her trim. Well, it had worked so far. “Mr. Fletcher,” she said, pushing out her pouty lips.
“What is it, Newt?” I asked, my finger thoughtfully rubbing condensation from my cup of watered-down cherry Kool-Aid. I always ordered Kool-Aid when a Lakers game was on. So far, my good luck charm had worked somewhere around 27 of 56 games. Too close to give up the superstition, especially this close to the championship.
“I want answers,” she said.
“And I want my cartoons published in the New Yorker, but we can’t always get what we want.” I began tapping my foot gingerly, cursing myself as the Rolling Stones got stuck in my head.
Newt gave me a vacant stare, and I began to realize how she earned the amphibian nickname. I took pity and said, “yeah, yeah, I know what you mean. You want to know who whacked your hay feverish hubby.”
She nodded like a bobble-head, curls falling from her temples. “Well,” I said, “it wasn’t the shark from Jaws, I can tell you that much. It was Jimmy Fontanero who gave him the facelift at the Edison’s mall map.”
“Jimmy Fontanardo—Fontanerio—Font—“
“They call him the ‘Hurricane.’”
“Oh…. Wh—why’d he kill him?”
“Your hubby got too deep into Jimmy’s gang. Got scared, y’see? So he went to the cops and sang like a parakeet. Hay fever and all, what a trooper.”
“What was he into that made Mr. The Hurricane so angry?” Newt’s poodle poked its head out of her purse. I thought she said the mutt’s name was Wallie, but I’ll be damned if I could bother to remember. I should have asked for something added to this Kool-Aid.
“Hurricane has lots of irons in the fire. My informants tell me that your husband was into a gambling ring, but was coming up like the kid who can’t ride the roller coaster.” She blinked again. “Short,” I added, thinking I needed to come up with better similes. The huddled mass cheered when the buzzer sounded. The game would soon be over. I looked and saw, between the gaggle of jersey-wearing fans and t-shirts, some shady folks in black hats. Hurricane’s men never were much for subtlety. “Excuse me one second, Newt. I’ve gotta visit the john.”
“What for?”
“To go put in a tampon, what do you think, sweetheart?” I stood to go, keeping my eyes on the hats. I was pretty sure they were Hurricane’s mooks, but I wanted to be certain. I studied them carefully from where I stood. Yep, folks in black hats couldn’t be anything but mooks. Except for wizards, but that seemed unlikely.
“You talk funny, Mr. Fletcher,” said Newt.
“Shut up.” I like to think I sauntered over to the bathroom as cool as the Fonz, but I’ll be the first to admit that it was probably more of a half run than anything. I splashed some cool water on my face and looked into the mirror. Yes, still good looking. Still working the dark and mysterious. I took a breath and walked back to Newt, who was lost in the reflection in her pocket mirror. For a moment, I was worried that statement was literal. “Newt.”
Breaking free from her enchantment, she looked up, her eyes a little wider than before. “Yes?” I sat back down in front of her, the cold plate of salmon between us.
“I don’t want you to panic,” I whispered, expecting her to panic no matter what, “but Hurricane has two guys in the crowd that probably want you next.”
Thankfully, she was silent, but her eyes started darting to-and-fro. “Relax, I have a plan.” Right on cue, she quit her jumping about and focused on me. “It’s gonna be a bit… extreme, but you seem like a good actress.”
“I made 128 films when I was in Hollywood for a year.”
“Jeeze Louise. Any I’ve heard of?”
“Depends. Do you stay up late with Cinemax on?”
“Ye—I—let’s get back to the plan. You’re gonna take a bite of this salmon, and then… choke on it. Or pretend to choke, depends on if you’re into that method acting mumbo jumbo. I’ve got a buddy who’s an ambulance dispatcher. He’ll send over an ambulance with a getaway driver that’ll take you to the airport, and put you on a plane to Canada.”
“Why there? I hate the cold.”
“It’s either being cold in the north, or cold and pushing up daisies. Your choice.”
She crossed her arms and sighed. “Fine.”
“I’m going to follow you in my Caddy XLR. When we get to the airport--”
“Mr. Fletcher?” The two black hat mooks from earlier were standing over us. “What a Wonderful World” started playing over the speakers which, if movies taught me anything, meant bad news was coming.
“What’s it to you, beardless Hagrid?” I said, looking up at his gargantuan height.
“You’re under arrest,” the first black hat said as his companion took me up by the armpits like a parent taking their kid out of a high chair.
“For what?” I said, kicking as though the child being taken out of the high chair still wanted his apple sauce.
“Practicing private detective work without a license.” As the first mook put his handcuffs on me and led me out of the restaurant, I heard Newt shouting for me inside.
“Mr. Fletcher! Do you still want me to do the choking thing?”
Newt was a lot of things: widow, dog-owner, probably a porn star, but she was no rocket scientist. Then again, she wasn’t the one being led away in handcuffs.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Oscar's are not good this year

I'm not talking about nominations (though I'm not overjoyed with those, either). The show itself is just not good this year.

Spring break next week. Oh my God, this week needs to end as soon as possible. I want my spring break pronto.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

This was a great day

I'm glad we got to start Sherlock, but I'm really happy to have a day where we spent the entire time talking. It was really awesome for us to do that, and it's going to suck that we'll have to go without for the next few weeks, but I'm sure we can survive, somehow.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Tarantino Friday

So, after itching to watch Kill Bill Vol. 1 for the longest time, I finally gave in and watched it for the first in a long while. I forgot how good it was. It was my first Tarantino movie, and I remember when I first saw it. Everything about it is awesome.

I then decided to just marathon it and watched Vol. 2, which is not as good as 1, but still good. It's just more talky, and I'm not a fan of the scenery the majority of the film takes place in.

Following that, I got some chores and errands done, found out I could get Xbox Live Gold for $2 for 2 months (awesome deal), and watched Reservoir Dogs at last. It was also a great film, and it was really neat seeing where Tarantino began it all.

I have to say, after taking that film class last spring, I think I have a new appreciation for Tarantino. My professor would keep bringing him up as an example of an auteur, which is an artist with a distinguishing, unique style. I think that really sums up Tarantino nicely. When you turn on a movie, you can tell if it's a Tarantino film. The music, the lighting, camera angles, dialogue, it's all very unique and particular to him.

Side note, I really have a craving to watch Japanese cinema now after Kill Bill.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I have finished The Hunger Games!

I will be able to see the movie now! Huzzahs all around! It was a great book, too.

IO Psych is virtual for the next couple of weeks, which is awesome, as I now get to come home super early in the morning. This allowed me to nap, which, again, was great and sorely needed.

I also got to relax since I've come home, too, which I also haven't really gotten to do all that much this just this... cloud of stress that I can't find the source for. But, I got my FemShep on, watched some Buffy, and just zoned out.

And soon... soon, it shall be spring break. So close now.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In which I discover that noise-canceling headphones are one of the greatest things ever

When I vacuum the floor, the vacuum is ridiculously loud. My ears ring after using it, and turning up my iPod the whole way does nothing. So, when I had to vacuum today, I decided to borrow my mom's noise-canceling headphones she got from Jeff. Holy shit, they're perfect. I could barely hear the vacuum. It was awesome.

My mom's friend from high school has been in the area, and she came to visit this evening. I haven't seen her since my 15th birthday, so it was odd seeing her now. I don't really have any opinion of her, but it was nice to see that my mom is still really good friends with people from way back in the day. Hopefully we'll be that way in the future.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In which I drown my sorrows into Mass Effect 3

I totally bombed my physio psych test.

I came home and just went and shot the shit out of some bad guys in the ME3 demo because I was just so angry and depressed, then I ate a whole pizza. Regret nothing.

I made a presentation for a really easy... presentation tomorrow. Then I'm coming home and taking a nap.

My schedule is not that bad, but shit like today really makes me want to just hurry the hell up and get to spring break.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Freaking out over physio tomorrow

So this won't be a very good post, because I'm totally stressing out over this. I wish my professor could have just made a damn review guide, because this is hard for non-bio people.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Semi-Productive Day

God knows I planned to be productive today, and I kind of was. I got my story finished for Narrative Techniques, which I would have spent tomorrow doing. But, instead of studying for my Physio Psych class, I Tumbl'd, because that shit is terrifying. I know what my game plan is for it though, so I'm going to get some studying in tonight, and spent most of tomorrow doing it, too.

I wanted to get started on everything at noon... but then I felt this craving to play Mass Effect, so I spent about two hours making my two alternative Shepards after I finish Mass Effect 3 and played that. I'm just so pumped for the game, and it coming out during spring break is basically fate (even though I don't technically believe in that).

After I finished my story, I decided to watch something on Netflix as a break between doing things on my academic to-do list. So, I had Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex in my queue, and decided to watch the first episode. This is the first intro music and, holy shit, it's gotta be one of the best themes I've ever heard. The intro to the show is also so painfully 90's looking that it makes me giddy. The show itself is also pretty awesome, even though the heroine's outfit is basically a purple version of that nasty bathing suit from Borat. Seriously, you could see pubic bone. I really hope that's not a constant in the show, because it's very distracting in a bad way. Oh well, we'll see. The rest of the show is terrific.

Friday, February 17, 2012

We watched Naruto together

Jesse and I had our Skype movie date today. We watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and had a lovely luncheon together. Tomorrow we're watching Howl's, but I let him convince me into watching the first episode of Naruto today. It wasn't bad, I suppose. I'll let him show me the important episodes this summer. I can't wait for him to see Ouran.

Today was, on the whole, a pretty good day. It's amazing how much better I feel when I get to see his face and talk to him.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I've returned to The Hunger Games!

It occurs to me that I am quickly running out of time to get through the book, so I'm trying to make some more headway with it.

I had a pretty good Thursday, but I'm glad it's my weekend. It's a mega bummer that I'm doing nothing on Saturday, though. Oh well, time for sleeping in and stuff :-D

I also totally love what I've heard from this album. I'm saving monies for ME3, but once that comes out, I'll be buying this. It's very mellow, but poppy, so it's a nice combo.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I want to go kayaking again

On the field trip to the beach this morning in Colloquium, we visited an estuary after we made it through the mangroves. Ugh, I love estuaries. They're so beautiful, and there's always a nice breeze. At this point, I've forgotten how to kayak or canoe, but with a little practice I'm sure I could get back to it.

It occurs to me that I'm nearing the end of my year-long challenge, which seems unreal. I feel like I could go on for much longer, but... I clearly don't have it in me to make interesting posts everyday. But I think I'll join Ashley in the So Thankful Sunday posts, since those are always a treat to read, and make me feel happy to read nice things.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Downton Abbey and Reapers

I totally love the music and the scene it accompanies, but whenever I hear the horns I just think "MASS EFFECTCEPTION."

I slept through all three of my alarms, which is crazy. It felt like everything was being thrown my way this morning, and I was raging until I finally got to talk to Jesse. Even though we only had two hours together, it was really sweet and nice as we watched an episode of Downton Abbey together. He's so adorable.

I then went to Costco, and my rage returned.

I quickly got home and started the Mass Effect 3 demo. It was so awesome, I played it twice. I think both Shepards were awesome, but I may have preferred FemShep, since her default was nicer looking than my custom-made for the demo MaleShep. I'm downloading the PS3 demo now, and some multiplayer action on Thursday would be pretty sweet!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Well, Valentine's day plans just changed

So... a friend of Jesse's that hasn't seen him in three years is coming down for one day tomorrow. Jesse and I talked for a while (it's very complicated), but our plans are being moved to Friday. We're both unhappy with this situation, but it's extremely difficult to write out every component, and I'm too tired for it.

Anyway, Mass Effect 3 tomorrow. I suppose that's the silver lining here.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Downton Abbey and my shipper heart

Downton Abbey is to human shipping what Ouran is to anime shipping.

I just can't right now.

I got my class cancelled tomorrow, which means I basically have a four-day weekend. Me gusta.

I heard Bon Iver won for best new artist at the Grammy's, which is great, even though he released his first album a couple of years ago, so I don't know how that works.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I have Sheryl Crowe randomly in my head

How random. I mean, I did hear it earlier today, but still, randomly popping in.
Having a fun time at Ashley's! Glad to be done with Death Note.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Drive was really good

I had a pretty nice day. I couldn't believe how grown up my cousins look. It's weird to hear the youngest one's voice changed. I remember when the oldest one was a baby, and they're in high school. It's very, very strange.

I just sort of vegged today, but I'm rather okay with that. I'll be glad to hang out with Ashley and Jessica tomorrow.

Anyway, I watched "Drive" with my mom, and it turned out to be a good movie. It also reminds me of how ridiculous the Oscar nominations are. Ryan Gosling and Albert Brooks were awesome.

I'm watching "Blade Runner" on AMC right now, and they just said "nigger" uncensored. Jeeze, the times change.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I have come to the conclusion that Homestuck is the longest fucking webcomic epic on le Interwebs

I mean, it's really good, but now it's starting to become tedious. There's so many fucking plot lines and shit that it feels like the author is trolling the audience. Which he might. The bastard.

The test for IO Psych went well, I think. I even answered some questions in Physio Psych, which is... progress.

I found out a few hours ago that my grandpa on my dad's side (technically my step-grandpa) has leukemia and got MRSA in his left eye. My dad, aunt, and cousins are flying out to Montana tomorrow because things aren't looking good. My mom didn't bother to tell me this for something that I'll just get angry about, but... you know, if you guys want to ask on Saturday, you can, but I just finished distracting myself from it and if I think about it, I'm gonna get overwhelmed again.

So, I'm just going to distract myself with Homestuck and Mass Effect 3 videos.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I need to finish Homestuck soon

If only to get myself back on a more regular sleep schedule. I really fucked it up this week. After dinner, I leaned onto my side to get comfortable for studying, and fell asleep. Twice. That's not good. I ended up letting myself have a 20 minute nap, which I'm still kind of reeling from.

I've got my first test tomorrow for IO Psych. I'm kind of nervous, but also not. It's really weird. But this is the first time where I feel like I'm going in blind, as far as how I'm going to do. This material is completely new to me, but it's also not very difficult. There's just lots to remember. God, I hope I do well.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Have Seen the New Blogger

And it is terrible.

It's so empty that I feel as though I am falling through a deep void into nothingness.

So I had a nice day. Aside from the horrors of Physio Psych, today was quiet and to myself, just as I like it.

Still desperately want summer here, though.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Holy shit, Homestuck

Can't. Stop. Reading.

I do, however, really want to read The Hunger Games. I need more time in my days.

I'm also thinking about buying a little notebook I can carry around and write things in. I keep having "creative" thoughts for writing stuff, and I always end up forgetting it. Maybe this way I won't feel so stressed over it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

In which the Superb Owl is underwhelming

Well it was. The commercials weren't very good, and the game... well, who gives a crap?

Lots of people, but I don't.

Anyway, my grandpa and his girlfriend are staying until early Tuesday morning. Kind of a drag, because I don't have as much privacy as usual, but I like seeing him, and I haven't seen his girlfriend in, like, years. Which makes it totes awkward, but whatever.

He came by not long after he arrived to get my update on college and plans for the future, which is always fun to discuss. He pretty much hated the idea of me taking a year off after graduating, and instilled extreme terror and pessimism in being successful after FGCU.

Then he came by later to talk about his cruise.

Dear God, what is it with this family and jumping from one mood to the other in conversation?

I still want to be on my own. Maybe I can become a hermit.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Oh deer God

I have found Homestuck addictive. This is not good.

I brought mom home. We were not even onto Treeline when she started badgering me over vacuuming the rug, when I said I could do it in five minutes. Honestly, I'm just sick of hearing such overly critical crap.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Oh shit I almost forgot to blog!

Today was a quiet day. I enjoyed having overcast skies, but would have appreciated actual rain. I also put a good chunk into my book for Colloquium, so that's good news. I'd like to read the damned thing already so I can get back into The Hunger Games.

I've alternated between Buffy and Samurai 7 today. Samurai 7 is extremely good, and is totally up my alley. I'm almost starting to get into a samurai kick. Rent ALL the Akira Kurosawa!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My laptop is going to die soon

Which is terribly frightening, as we can't afford a new laptop anytime soon. Ugh, fuck technology.

I had a pretty good day, despite the terror that my laptop put me through. I'm so happy to have tomorrow to myself. I'm thinking about downloading the Kingdom of Amalur, or whatever it's called, demo, since I've heard good things. I'm mostly just whetting my appetite for Mass Effect 3, which I've gone into full-fledged fanboy mode over. Ask Jessica, she can vouch for my head canon-crafting ways.

I'm this close to writing some fan fiction for my Shepard.

Somebody stop me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Busy with multiple tiny things

So I was able to come home after Colloquium, which was awesome, because yay, nap time! But then I had to read my book for Colloquium, which was boo, reading time.

On my way to Narrative Techniques I listed to the Next to Normal soundtrack and I was just... floored. I'm honestly surprised by how emotional I was by it. I think it's because family dramas always get me, and this was no different. I'd absolutely love to see it sometime.

Narrative Techniques wasn't that bad today, but I think it also had to do with the pretentious people being slightly less vocal. We read Hemingway, and I think, when I have my book schedule more open, I'll stop by the library and pick up some of his stuff.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tumblr is being astronomically stupid

So all of those videos I was going to post, answering questions, will have to wait. I guess this means I'll get a good night's rest, at least.

The madre is off in New York safely, thankfully. I'm still extremely jealous she's there, but... what can I do? Plus, I've got time alone. I like having time alone.

I look forward to the days when I don't have to be up early. I really do. I took a nap today and it was wonderful. I'm a bit disappointed I won't get to, tomorrow.

Monday, January 30, 2012

In which Netflix stopped working on my PS3 for the evening and I had no idea what to do with my life

So today went pretty well. I mean, I tried to go to bed so that I woke up at 9, and instead fell asleep late and woke up at 11, but it happens.

I watched me some Buffy, felt some good feels that resulted in squeeing, and went to my Narrative Techniques class. I vented about this a bit on le Twitter, but I hate how people are so damned talkative about what we read to the point that some of us can't get a word in edgewise. I did bring up an interesting point, only to have it brushed aside. Then, the dude that was giving his little presentation brought it up after about 10 minutes, and started a discussion with it. Obviously, that's irritating.

I long for the days when we shared classes. I also want you guys to see the maximum level of douche that is in that classroom. I can't ever handle it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

In which I buy new clothes

It's amazing how much of a 180 I took in buying new clothes. I used to hate going clothes shopping, and now I absolutely loved it. I'm so happy to have nice-looking clothes that fit. Now I just need to buy fancy clothes for me to wear and I'll be set. Bowtie, suspenders, and a tweed jacket, here I come!

More seriously, it was nice spending time with my mom. She's fun to be around when she isn't badgering me about... something. She's leaving Tuesday for Chicago, so it'll be fun having the place to myself again.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I can't believe we talked about menstruation that much

I've never been so happy to be a dude. I wish you both happy trails and smooth sails as you deal with bleeding for the next week.

Friday, January 27, 2012

So, as it turns out, my grandma can be pretty cool

I have a hard time being with her for stretches of time. She acts pretty immature sometimes, and combative with my mom. But sometimes, she's tolerable, or pleasant to talk to. Today was one of those good days.

She brought Burger King over (good start), and we talked a bit about some stuff. Near the end, though, I decided to talk about some video games. I've done this in the past, and, when I showed her Red Dead Redemption, she was totally into it.

So, I told her the plot of Mass Effect in about 30 minutes.

And she thought it was awesome. She was even asking questions about the Reapers, and choices in the game.

It's stuff like that that reminds me that she can be a pretty cool person. My dad is sometimes into it, but kind of falls out of interest after a while. My mom doesn't even pretend to be mildly interested. I've always wanted family that was interested in my interests. Hell, finding out how totally invested into Battlestar Galactica my dad was, and talking over the plot with him, was seriously the coolest.

I think all kids want to relate to stuff with their parents. My parents were always into sports, and I never really was. My mom and I were into lots of stuff, but, in recent years, there hasn't been as much as I'd like. So, I've missed having that connection over stuff that I love with the people that I care about.

And are related to me.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Feels!

Buffy is causing me endless fields of feels and I can't handle it ;_;

Today was pretty good. ECHO was interesting, and my professor realized we forgot someone on the way back to FGCU, which was hilarious and horrible. Thankfully, we were only two minutes away when she realized.

I really love my Narrative Techniques class, but some of the people in it remind me of my film class: they seem very pretentious, high and mighty, and it's very annoying, not to mention makes me feel bad about my quality of writing. I feel like I should be impressing people in the class, and I just don't know if I'll be able to.

This is what happens when I grow up in a family that judges people. I mean, I love my family, but that's what they always did to other people. Consequently, that made me think other people do that all the time, too. And then I get no self-confidence. Theatre went a long way in changing that, but in a room where I am surrounded by these incredibly talented people that have been published and won awards... I feel so ill-prepared.

And I know you guys will say that I'm really talented and I shouldn't feel that way... but it's Tyler's illogical brain speaking.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Feeling Feels

So Ashley suggested yesterday that, besides the script, I should post about my feelings. Let's see how this goes.

I'm feeling unwilling. I'm tired, but I don't want to start my go-to-bed ritual. I am unwilling to wake up super fucking early to go on a field trip to ECHO. I am unwilling to walk around for four hours in what feels like early summer mornings because of this utterly bizarre weather. I'm really just unwilling to deal with this semester, no matter how much better it is in comparison to the last one, because I can't see Jesse until it's over, and that really sucks.

But the closer we get, the more excited Jesse and I are. I'm so looking forward to our anniversary dinner at Stonewood, where we'll dress all nicely and have such a romantic evening.

Hng, I miss him.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The King of London script

Ashley reminded me about the script I was writing for Creative Writing last year and wanted me to post it. I haven't looked at it since I finished my class, but I hope you guys like it.


This is London, 1843. Victoria has been on her throne for a few years, yet there is a great divide between the rich and the poor. Smog chokes the streets, and crime is commonplace. These are the times that try men's souls.

In a well-off part of London, a man and a woman scramble about the house. Pulling out drawers and searching through cupboards, you can tell they are in a frenzy.


I thought you left it in that antique drawer of your father's?

The first man, noted for his fine dress and bald head, turns from the bookcase he is inspecting.


I told you about the robberies. I wanted to leave the cheque book where no riffraff would look.


And where would that be?


Someplace clever!

From the stairwell comes a finely dressed gentleman. The epitome of class, he seems professional and genuine in every way. While the husband and wife appear disheveled from worry, the gentleman has not a hair out of place. In his hand, he holds the cheque book.


I do believe this is yours?

The man clears his throat and walks over to the gentleman.


Um, yes. Yes it is. Where did you, uh, locate it?


It was in the inside pocket of your coat.


Oh really?

The woman glares at her husband.


"Someplace secure," wasn't it?


Yes, well, what place is more secure than on your person?

He turns to the gentleman.


Thank you for finding it.

The gentleman gives a polite nod and motions them out the parlor door.


The man and woman sit down on their fainting couch in front of their unlit fireplace. The gentleman stands in front. In the man's hand he holds a pen and an open cheque book, though we don't see the exact amount he is writing it for. He pauses before finishing.


Are you sure this is a certain bet?


Of course. With this advance, my associates and I will be able to open the diamond mind in Africa quite soon. You read about the discovery in the newspapers, did you not? Only a fool would miss this opportunity.

The man looks at his wife. Her face grim, yet resolute, she nods. The man signs his name, tears out the cheque, and then hands it to the gentleman, as though he just signed his life away. The gentleman places his hand on the man's shoulder.


You have made the right decision.

The gentleman leaves to get his things, though we linger on the man's face, watching his sense of doubt play out before us.


I shall send you word of our success as soon as I am able. Soon, we shall as be as rich as the queen herself. Good evening to you both.

EXT. London street - night

The gentleman walks himself out of their fine house, through their front yard garden, out the gate, and then down the street. The air is foggy, much like any London night. He takes a corner and, under a lamp post, sees a figure in a tophat with a patch on the front, beginning the long, painful process of decay. He straightens himself up, alert.



The gentleman smiles a devilish grin and presents the cheque.



The stranger takes the cheque from the gentleman and holds it aloft. Grinning stupidly, he turns back to the gentleman.


This is brilliant. Just brilliant. Oh, this'll be something to bring back to old Reaper.

The stranger gives the cheque back to the gentleman, who places it in his coat. They begin to walk down the street back to their hideout. The fog is as thick as pea soup.


What's the plan with your share, then?


As it happens, Abigail spotted quite the nice broach at market the other day. I thought I might--


Abigail again. Listen Harry, m'boy. You must treat yourself before you treat Abigail. Ever since you settled down all you do is slave for her.


She's my wife, Jacob.


Right, right. Now don't get offended, I meant nothing by it. I just thought you oughta reward yourself for your success.


I don't need you giving me advice when you haven't even got yourself a wife.


The eternal bachelor, I am. Listen. I'm sorry if you got upset, it wasn't my place.


I'm my own man, Jacob.


'Course you are.


As they make their way down a corner, the voice of an old woman begins to sound. Changing into three pitches, she seems to be talking to more than one person. When Harry and Jacob round the corner, we see her.

She's old. Impossibly old. How her bones do not fade to dust is a mystery. Wringing her hands, she seems to carry on a conversation only with herself. Harry and Jacob exchange curious glances, then press on cautiously beside her.

Old woman (Muttering)

The weird sisters, hand in hand, posters of the sea and land. Go about, about. Thrice to thine, thrice to mine, and thrice again to make up nine. Peace, the charm's would up.

As Harry walks by, her claw of a hand reaches out and grasps his arm.


Release me, old woman!


All hail to thee, Harrison. Hail! Hail!


Having trouble, eh Harry?


Hail, Harrison! The king's right hand, the star in the night.

Jacob sniggers to himself, while Harry stops struggling. He seems confused, perhaps even frightned?


Speak again, what was that?


Hail, Harrison! Thou hast the makings of a king.


We have no time for this, gypsy woman. Release my friend, you're scaring him.


No no! Stay! Wait!

The old woman vanishes into the fog. Harry begins to run after her, but Jacob stops him.


What in God's name are you doing?


Did you not hear what she was saying?


All I heard was gibbering nonsense. I could not pick out any words from that.


She said... she said... that I'd be king. Rather, had the makings of one.


I heard none of this. Do you plan on breaking up Victoria and Albert sometime soon? My, what a scandal.

Harry stares, transfixed, into the fog. Jacob frowns.



Harry jolts back to reality.




Don't put stock into her ramblings. She was some escaped Bedlamite. Come, Reaper's waiting for us.

As Harry and Jacob begin to walk off, Harry takes one last look at where the old woman stood.


A pair of hands scrub furiously in a basin of water. They are so raw that they are a bright red color. As we pull back, we see an older gentleman, perhaps forty, with a scar on the bottom of his chin. He appears dignified, but entirely world-weary, as if all the knowledge of life was slowly eating away at him. We come to know him as Jules "The Reaper" Magnus, the leader of the Poor Man's Army, the top gang in London.

Behind him, unseen, a voice calls out.

voice (os)

Reaper! You want me to tell the story?


No, no, Max. I was there. You don't need to tell me.

The voice belongs to a man named Maxwell Godwin, about twenty-five, and the youngest of the Poor Man's Army. Seated next to him is one of the lower crooks, practically a street urchin.


Right you are, Reaper!

He turns to the street urchin.


So, you know who ol' Dosset was, right? Reaper's second-in-command, been with him since before the queen got coronated. Hell, even before Beatrice.

Suddenly, Max stops. The sound of the hand washing has stopped. We see Reaper's back tense up, then slowly ease back into scrubbing, much harder than before. Max looks back at the street urchin, exhaling quietly.


Anyway, Dosset had been acting suspicious lately. 'Course, I didn't realize. Nobody did. 'Cept ol' Reaper, nothin' slips past him. So, he corners him after lunch, starts asking what was concerning him.

Reaper stops washing his hands at last and comes to the table where Max and the street urchin are sitting. Calmly, he takes out his switchblade, wincing a little as he pulls it from his pocket, and starts absent-mindedly playing with it. He notices Max has stopped talking to watch.


Please continue. Don't mind me.


Right... well, you know how Reaper is. Dosset hadn't a chance. He spilled it right then and there. He'd been off associating himself with Francis Highmore.

street urchin

The one in charge of the Dreadfuls?


No, my granny Franny, who else?

Max boxes him on the ear as he says this, then continues.


Turns out, Dosset had been telling him the places we'd been for easy knappin'. Says he'd been missing the excitement from the good ol' days, was hopin' to relive 'em with the Dreadfuls if he could. Well, Reaper gave him all the excitement he'd been missin' let me tell you.

Max draws his index finger across his throat.


Slits him right across the throat with his knife. That one, right there.

Max motions to the knife which Reaper had taken to admiring absentmindedly.


And I saw the whole thing.


Which I did not realize. You had snuck in.


Well I was just stoppin' by for food.


And you got a show to go along with it. Please alert me to your presence next time.


Er... right. Of course, Reaper.

The large door to the factory opens. In come Harry and Jacob. They sit at the table, the room an uncomfortable silence. Reaper motions to Harry. Harry pulls out the cheque and hands it to Reaper. He stabs his switchblade into the table, leaving it standing straight in the air. He takes the cheque, pauses, studying it, and then smiles. It's an uncomfortable smile, as though his face was not used to the proper movements.


Well done, gentlemen. We're still in business.

Aside from Harry and Reaper, the group is ecstatic. It's the excitement from a group that had sufferred a lot of failures recently, and finally got a win.


Where's Dosset?

Suddenly, the festivities end. Reaper's mouth returns to its weary form.


He's gone. He betrayed us, and now he's gone. But that is a tale for another time, one which I'm sure Maxwell here would be glad to regale you with.

Max looks down, sheepishly.


Tonight, we have one more reason to celebrate. Our young lad, Harrison Bonham, is now my new right hand. You will excuse me if I don't applaud.

Jacob, Max, and the street urchin begin to applaud. Harry stands and bows awkwardly, then sits back down. He smiles, but it is forced, and he looks down into his lap.


We'll have a feast! My wife and I will bring food here, and we can celebrate our successes!


That sounds like a lovely idea, Maxwell. Thank you very much.

We return to Harry. Usually the brilliant actor, here, he is so much in shock that he can barely hold back the expression of anxiety he has.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Spike is my Kimblee

I don't fangirl like Jessica does over Kimblee, but I love Spike and his badassness. He's a character in Buffy, in case I needed to specify.

I've decided that, when I don't have much to say, I'd tell a story about a memory. So, here's a memory from my youth.

Ten years ago this year, I was at a hotel in Orlando just after my school's trip to space camp. My parents had driven up with us so that they could pick me up and we could go to Universal and Sea World. My parents went down to the pool, which I didn't want to visit. They let me pick a movie from the hotel, and I watched Fellowship of the Ring. I had just finished reading FOTR, and it was my first time where I was able to criticize a movie for what it changed. Still, I fell absolutely in love with it, and that really kicked off my descent into nerdom.

So, that's that.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Watch ALL the Downton Abbey!

As it is the end of days in the Internet, I've gone ahead and downloaded season 2 of Downton Abbey and have been watching that all day. NO REGRETS!

That's seriously all I've done.

Friday, January 20, 2012

In which I'm happy to do work!

I'm going to be employed soon. Oh my God, I'm going to start making money!

I got a call from my mom this morning. Expecting to get chewed out about sleeping in or being lazy about finding a job, she told me she spoke with someone at her school when the subject about me wanting to sub came up. He said that the principal could get me into the subbing system, which means I'll be able to start substitute teaching soon! I can't wait to actually start making money.

I've spent much of the day... on the Internet. And watching Buffy.

The end.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

In which I live my life like a leper

This peeling is atrocious. I had to walk around the entire morning and sit through two classes with hideous peeling skin from the sunburn just all over my forehead and the sides of my face. I haven't felt so uncomfortable about my appearance in years.

I was supposed to meet with career development, but I was so uncomfortable and just wanted to go home that I left. I'm meeting with them on Monday.

Oh, also, I kept injuring myself around the house today. It was not a pleasant experience.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In which Danielle and I watch a crapton of Friends and I take a few short Ashley naps

I'm slowly making progress into having a seminormal sleep schedule. Yeah, it doesn't look like it right now. But... progress!

Had Colloquium, enjoyed it, then went to career development services. I've got a walk-in meeting tomorrow after my last class, which means postponing lunch with my dad, but at least I'm getting shit done. I wish I didn't have to, but I got an email back from the tutoring dude and he said he didn't need more psych tutors... which sucks.

Danielle bought me a delicious chicken teriyaki from Blu Sushi, then we went off to watch Friends for several hours at her dorm. I kept dozing off, and actually fell asleep at one point. I hope she didn't mind.

I had a nice Narrative Techniques class with some interesting homework, delicious dinner, finished my re-watch of Sherlock, and now I prepare for bed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Books and Sherlock

Started re-watching Sherlock... then the Internet, homework, and laundry got in the way.

It was nice finishing my day at 9:15 this morning. We watched a movie on Darwin, so even then, it was a pretty easy class day. I sent out Jesse's gift, which I'm so excited for him to get. I know he's gonna love it.

I found out that my dad was in a car accident last week. He's fine, just a broken nose, but it's still terrifying to hear, and I'm annoyed I wasn't told when it happened. But I'm incredibly happy he's safe. Plus, he might get some money from it all, so... here's hoping.

I got my homework done for tomorrow, watched, raged, and fanboyed over tonight's Glee, and will continue to count down the days until summer.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sherlock Monday

I was filled with all the feelings today over Sherlock. I can't say further, except I can't wait to watch it with Ashley and Jessica.

Other than that, not much happened today. My nose has been bothering me since last night, which I can only assume is allergies. My sunburn is quite unpleasant, but that'll start going away soon, hopefully. And that's about it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I had so much fun at the fair today! In fact I just had so much fun in general, sunburn, creeps, and all! Next year I'll be sure to have money to buy all the things!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I have a terrible desire to play Mass Effect 2

But I know that if I do that, my mom will come criticize me about it when there's so many things to do in the house that I didn't know about. It's like she takes my Xbox hostage :-/

Eh, maybe I'll give it a shot anyway.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Buffy is a pretty good show

I don't know about making it a favorite just yet, but it's not that bad.

It was so nice to be able to relax after such a long week. The weather has been great, too. Mom is getting better from her surgery, though she's obviously not 100% better. She's really happy with the results, though.

I finally got to Skype with Jesse for the first time in ages today. It was so, so, so wonderful to hear his voice and see him again. I miss him so much, and being able to talk to him at all is always such a blessing.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The end of my first week back for the spring

And it went pretty well, I think. I had Physio Psych, which I nearly fell asleep through, since it is an 8 AM class and my professor read to us. Then I chilled outside Jamba Juice until my 11 AM class, Industrial-Organizational Psych. My professor is super pregnant, just got her master's in May, and is super bubbly and a huge breath of fresh air. I'm so sick of stuffy professors that it'll be nice to have a nice and relatively young one. I/O psych seems pretty interesting, I'm happy to say. It's really different in comparison to my other psych classes, but in a good way. It kind of gives me confidence, even though it's just as competitive as clinical psych to get in to. She even let us out an hour and a half early, which was good, because my mom was just finishing her surgery.

She's doing great, way better than her first breast... procedure thing. It's just meant I've had to do some more stuff around the house, which I don't mind since she's in recovery and is partially drugged up. I'm really, really happy she's okay, though.

Also, I kept hearing this song on my indie Sirius radio station, and I thought it sounded familiar. Lo and behold, it was in an episode of Glee that I totally forgot about. I guess. I kept seeing comments about Glee with the song, and even found the Glee cast singing it. So... Jessica, I guess you'll like one of my indie song choices.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In which Danielle and I have intense fandom moments

Waking up so early is the worst.

Colloquium isn't that bad for a once-a-week class. We watched a video about food though, which made me nauseous. Then Danielle and I hung out for about 4 hours and watched a crapton of Glee. Afterwards, I went to my Narrative Techniques class and actually enjoyed it, solidifying my decision to drop my stupid Tuesday afternoon class. Huzzahs all around! We talked about our writing experiences and what books we read, and someone mentioned The Hunger Games. How does my professor respond? "Isn't Katniss awesome?" Yes, professor, and so are you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday's Gone

Tuesday went much better than I thought, thanks to Jessica's cancelled class. After waking up at the miserably awful time of 6:00, I ate and was out the door. I discovered that Alico gets me to FGCU faster than any other route suggested, which was good news, and found out that Physiological Psych might not be as bad as I expected. Then Jessica and I hung out, which is always lots of fun.

Then I had the very dull film class that I can't ever remember the title of, which is okay, since I'll be dropping it by Thursday.

And so tomorrow is another day of waking up super early, this time for Colloquium. At least I'll be hanging out with Danielle afterwards and watching all the Glee and whatnot.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday's done

Bit of a weird Monday. My body does not enjoy waking up at a normal time, anymore, so it's going to be in for quite the shock come the rest of the week.

So I found out that our "new" neighbors complained about our "dogs" barking all day yesterday, when Ben barked for about ten minutes total yesterday. Not straight. Total. And that's because there were children right in our backyard. Honestly, I don't know what these assholes are assuming. Dogs bark. Fucking deal with it, because we've never heard complaints anywhere else.

Anyway, after getting Ben a bark collar, I went to FGCU to get my two bags-worth of textbooks, which thankfully didn't take long. Of course, this meant derpin' about in the library on a computer, but at least I was able to Tumbl.

Narrative Techniques was my only class, and it's weird. The professor seems cool, but it feels like I've got very high expectations to meet. Plus, and this has been nagging me, he said he wasn't a fan of fantasy, mystery, or horror. Now, I had no idea what to write, but I want him to enjoy whatever it is I do write, and two out of three of those were viable options. He said this while saying that we shouldn't write for anybody but ourselves, otherwise you end up with shitty writing, but this is my crazy brain we're talking about here.

I'd really just love to not make writing a chore.

Now I'll be going to bed early tonight since I'm waking up at 6 tomorrow to go to my class. Not looking forward to that.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A short intake of breath and then a long exhale

I can't believe I'm going back tomorrow. I find the very prospect unnerving. It feels like yesterday I was returning my books and sitting beside Jessica as she talks to one of those awkward friends she has. I honestly don't know where my break went.

I'm happy I don't have class until 5 tomorrow. To be honest, I quite like the visual of driving to class when the sun is going down, sitting there as it progressively gets darker and the campus quiets down. I'll also be able to relax somewhat at home and not be in a mega rush on my first day back. I won't feel terribly sleepy either, even though I'm going to bed earlier tonight than I have. I just hope my schedule works out so that I can hang out with friends instead of have to go to the library and derp around on the computer.

Words can't express how much I'm hoping this semester goes well. I prefer the spring semester to the fall one, anyway. The light at the end of the tunnel that is summer break works so well with the sun's return. It's so hopeful near the end.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Where did my break go?

Seriously. This did not feel like three weeks. Hell, it didn't feel like two. I'm not yet ready to go back. I'm ready for summer break. I'm ready to be done with school forever.

Today was another day of job-searching. Apparently FGCU has its own bank of job offerings in businesses on-campus and in the area. And I found some potential jobs, once dad teaches me how to use Microsoft Office. But, more often than not, the jobs I wanted, I couldn't have. Take, for example, the Imaginarium. There were several offerings there, but they're all unpaid internships. I'd love to work there, but I need money badly. There's also a tutoring program being offered at FGCU for athletics, but you need to be in the Work Study program, and I'm not. It really sucks because all of these things I'd be good at are impossible for me to have.

Why can't life ever be simple?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Actually was productive today

It felt good. Probably not gonna happen too often, so might as well take advantage of it while I can!

I think tomorrow I might get my textbooks. It feels far to early to be doing that. I can't believe it's almost time to go back. I really don't want to.

I'd love to run away somewhere someday. Just drop everything and go. To where, I don't know... but I'd very much like to.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Return

So mom came back. That's been fun.

But really, she came back, and it was back to talking a bit, then her criticizing me, which leads to me arguing with her... bleh.

I feel like we reached a turning point, however. I explained my feelings, she explained hers, and now we're going to work on being better. So, good news there.

Today also began the search for a job, which I'm not looking forward to. Chris from Tumblr suggested the library, which would be perfect for me. It'll require a bit more investigation.

And finally, I hope Ashley has had an incredibly awesome birthday. I love you! Now we just have to wait for Jessica, and then we can play Around the World at Epcot!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tuesdays with Ben

So... not a lot happened today. I spent the majority of it catching up on Glee, and now I'm watching Once Upon a Time. Mom comes back tomorrow, which means the really free days are over. But, I've missed her, so I'll be happy to see her.

Proof that this is posted before midnight!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Year in Review

I have to say, 2011 was a busy year. There was lots of good and lots of bad, as is par for the course.

The spring semester was terrific. I'd say that's where my friendship with Jessica really blossomed with our bonding over Ghibli movies, Shakespeare, and Juego de Jamba. And, despite having a beastly paper to write, it ended up being a pleasant semester over all.

The summer was absolutely brilliant. I desperately needed a summer like that, since the last couple were miserable. I'll always have those memories of DnD, movie days, and marathoning TV shows with Ashley and Jessica.

The spring and summer were also great because it was the time I was discovering myself. For the first time, I felt confident with who I am. Then, of course, I met Jesse, and my whole life has changed for the better with someone I love dearly.

The fall was kind of the time when things took a turn. While there were great moments in there, like my birthday, the Cthulhu party, afternoon lunches of Chick-fil-a, the Anglo-Saxon class, and our TV marathons, there was also a lot of crap. The school semester was extremely difficult and very nearly soul-crushing. I'm glad I have such a great support system, otherwise I don't know if I could have made it with my sanity intact.

Then, of course, there was the move from the home I've lived in all my life. That was just a maelstrom of terribad, because moving sucks on it's own. Add not being able to properly enjoy Christmas, finals, and leaving the house I've grown up in to that and it gets miserable.

But I'm moved in to a beautiful home, and I have my loved ones around me. So, I'm happy. 2012 will be my year, because I will make it so.