Thursday, January 12, 2012

The end of my first week back for the spring

And it went pretty well, I think. I had Physio Psych, which I nearly fell asleep through, since it is an 8 AM class and my professor read to us. Then I chilled outside Jamba Juice until my 11 AM class, Industrial-Organizational Psych. My professor is super pregnant, just got her master's in May, and is super bubbly and a huge breath of fresh air. I'm so sick of stuffy professors that it'll be nice to have a nice and relatively young one. I/O psych seems pretty interesting, I'm happy to say. It's really different in comparison to my other psych classes, but in a good way. It kind of gives me confidence, even though it's just as competitive as clinical psych to get in to. She even let us out an hour and a half early, which was good, because my mom was just finishing her surgery.

She's doing great, way better than her first breast... procedure thing. It's just meant I've had to do some more stuff around the house, which I don't mind since she's in recovery and is partially drugged up. I'm really, really happy she's okay, though.

Also, I kept hearing this song on my indie Sirius radio station, and I thought it sounded familiar. Lo and behold, it was in an episode of Glee that I totally forgot about. I guess. I kept seeing comments about Glee with the song, and even found the Glee cast singing it. So... Jessica, I guess you'll like one of my indie song choices.


  1. duh the Glee cast sang this song!! I remember hearing it originally and just sitting there wondering where this song even came from. The song selections for this season.. are quite eclectic!

  2. Indeed. I'm also not sure why this is on my indie station. It's not particularly indie-esque.
