Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In which Danielle and I watch a crapton of Friends and I take a few short Ashley naps

I'm slowly making progress into having a seminormal sleep schedule. Yeah, it doesn't look like it right now. But... progress!

Had Colloquium, enjoyed it, then went to career development services. I've got a walk-in meeting tomorrow after my last class, which means postponing lunch with my dad, but at least I'm getting shit done. I wish I didn't have to, but I got an email back from the tutoring dude and he said he didn't need more psych tutors... which sucks.

Danielle bought me a delicious chicken teriyaki from Blu Sushi, then we went off to watch Friends for several hours at her dorm. I kept dozing off, and actually fell asleep at one point. I hope she didn't mind.

I had a nice Narrative Techniques class with some interesting homework, delicious dinner, finished my re-watch of Sherlock, and now I prepare for bed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, she definitely minded :P

    Is Sherlock THAT good to warrant a re-watch every week?!
