Friday, January 27, 2012

So, as it turns out, my grandma can be pretty cool

I have a hard time being with her for stretches of time. She acts pretty immature sometimes, and combative with my mom. But sometimes, she's tolerable, or pleasant to talk to. Today was one of those good days.

She brought Burger King over (good start), and we talked a bit about some stuff. Near the end, though, I decided to talk about some video games. I've done this in the past, and, when I showed her Red Dead Redemption, she was totally into it.

So, I told her the plot of Mass Effect in about 30 minutes.

And she thought it was awesome. She was even asking questions about the Reapers, and choices in the game.

It's stuff like that that reminds me that she can be a pretty cool person. My dad is sometimes into it, but kind of falls out of interest after a while. My mom doesn't even pretend to be mildly interested. I've always wanted family that was interested in my interests. Hell, finding out how totally invested into Battlestar Galactica my dad was, and talking over the plot with him, was seriously the coolest.

I think all kids want to relate to stuff with their parents. My parents were always into sports, and I never really was. My mom and I were into lots of stuff, but, in recent years, there hasn't been as much as I'd like. So, I've missed having that connection over stuff that I love with the people that I care about.

And are related to me.


  1. Im glad to hear you had fun with your grandmother :)

  2. can't ever picture myself talking about manga/anime with my grandma, so double kudos for you, sir :D
