Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Dreams May Come

Last night I had a dream. It was opening night back at Verot, and we were performing "Hamlet." The stage was set, the players were ready. And I did not know my lines. At all. I was still on book, and whenever I tried to remember a line, it would seem to fall right out of my brain. I talked to Ms. Day about it, and she seemed, not mad, but disappointed. There was no one else to cover for me, no one else knew I didn't know my lines, and when the curtain went up, everyone would speak Shakespearean to me, and I would stare out blankly. I brought the book out, and everyone stared at me, wondering why this asshat was reading his lines instead of just acting.

And then I woke up.

It was such a relief to awaken to reality. I swear that as I get older, the more realistic my dreams get. This one I know had to do with the amount of work I had to do, however. I've got two weeks left of class, one week of finals, and only three classes to have big work left to do in. However, the amount of work is A LOT. So, while my brain thinks, "bah, you've got time. It's not bad," I'll give a hard look at what to do and just think "HOLY SHIT WORK NOW!" In fact, I'm avoiding work right now.

I want it to be May first. I want it right now.

And the song has nothing to do with anything. I just felt like posting it.


  1. I have had similar dreams! One where I had to fill in for someone whose lines I didn't even know at all. It's indeed stressful to dream that!

    When it's May 1st, I will breathe much more calmly =] that and our movie day adventures can begin!

  2. It's so terrifying. Dear Lord.

    And yusssssss. That and Doctor Who adventures! :-D
    Along with video game marathons and acting adventures!

  3. Sounds exciting! :) and how dare you post that song! I had finally got it out of my head you dewshhhhhhhhhhhhhh. <3

  4. We will act out ALL THE PLAYS EVER MADE.

    And problem, Ashley?

  5. YES PROBLEM! and ooooh yes please! sign me up! :)

  6. Much fun and hilarity shall be had.

  7. I seriously cannot wait. A summer of movies, Doctor Who, and acting will be a sweet reward for a long semester.
