Friday, April 29, 2011

It Has Arrived!

The 80s were a strange time for music videos.

I made it. I seriously can't believe I'm actually 100% done with my sophomore year of college. That even feels strange to type. I feel so liberated, like I can do what I want with no restrictions. I can go back to reading "A Clash of Kings" or play a video game without feeling any guilt. That's probably one of the greatest feelings in the world: when you have the time to do exactly what you want, and the ability to do so.

I'd say this was a really good school year. The fall was difficult, school-wise, thankfully. Experimental Psychology was a major bitch because of that project, and so was Social Science Statistics for the same reason. Medieval European History was so much fun with such a crazy professor, but I wish I had gotten an A in a course like that instead of a B :-/ Human Systems was also a drag, but I met some good people through there and somehow got an A. Lunches with Jessica and Ricky were amazingly fun, as well.

I feel like the spring, however, kicked fall's ass. I blame Jessica Cespedes for this. Spending almost entire Tuesdays with her for 4 months can drive a person insane, but we really got to be much better friends, and I'm so happy that she's in my life. Despite our constant vitriol, there's a rock solid base of friendship that exists between us. I don't think I'd have as much fun in my life if it wasn't for her. So thanks, Jessica. I'll always cherish our Alot of Fun Tuesdays at Juego de Jamba.

I can't forget my Einstein's friends either. Last year I really kind of avoided them, if only because I was afraid about how a few would react to me. This little bunch of sordid folks can be fun, weird, and hilarious. There's a lot of drama amongst them, but also just a lot of goodness. I'm really happy I decided to hang out with them, as I now have more friends than I imagine I would have otherwise. I have to say, though, eating at Einstein's makes me miss Ashley like nobody's business. Those were the best lunches I've ever had :-)

Now, to academic stuff. History and Systems of Psychology was such a chore, despite it being relatively easy. It just got VERY tedious, and that term paper drained me for the entire semester. Creative Writing let me actually write for the first time in I don't know how long, and led me to meet a really great person, as well as institute some holidays with her (#TwizzlerMonday and #JuniorMintWednesday for life!). Abnormal Psychology was a wake-up call about the field, but allowed me to fall back in love with psychology. The professor, though initially intimidating, is also the best professor I've ever had. After that was hang out time with Jessica, which opened me up to the works of Hayao Miyazaki, and I'm very grateful for that. Then we had Shakespeare Survey together, which was an emotionally turbulent time. Mood whiplashes of "this class is so fun" to "I hate this class" were common. Totaro was an amazing professor, though Jessica would probably say otherwise, since our professor apparently harbored a grudge against her. Thursdays were my Film class, which was both great and okay. I wish I had met more people in there, but it seemed that everybody already knew each other/were film snobs/douches. It seemed like I would thrive in this sort of environment, but it was not meant to be. However, it was still extremely interesting, and I'm so happy to have checked off taking a film class from my list of things to do.

I've come to learn a lot about myself this year and accept who I am. I can honestly say that I am happy and fulfilled, which IS the greatest feeling of all.

This summer WILL be amazing.


  1. Hearing you say how happy you are makes me feel so happy! Love ya tylerrrrrr <3

    Also agreed, I SOOOO MISS THOSE LUNCHES <3 best part of freshman year :)

    and uncharted with no guilt! YESSSSS! :D

  2. I love you too Ashley!!!!

    They really were. For real. THE BEST.

    Oh hell yes! If PSN ever returns >:-I

  3. for serious., cramping my style after all this lost im craving some gaming. im probably going to play through uncharted 2 again on my other account :) lolz

  4. I like that you blame me for spring kicking fall's ass & how that ALMOST sounds like a bad thing :D I'm glad you had a better time this semester class wise and I'm glad that I got to be a portion of the awesome!!

    This comment is far too nice and I need to hibernate from all this sentimentality :P

    It's Miyazaki* by the way <3

  5. Ashley I'm going to buy some more maps and we are going to play so much Uncharted 2.

    This was probably the nicest thing I've ever said about you. You need to harbor it all.

  6. I literally did hibernate from the compliments and I might just have to bookmark this entry to read should I ever feel under the weather :D
