Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everybody! Jesus is risen and we're all saved! Huzzahs all around!

I wonder what He would say about the world today. People are still warring over beliefs, there's still murder and mayhem, people are divided across economic and political lines. The world isn't a happy place.

I'm not necessarily a religious person anymore. Spiritual, yes, but religious, not so much. I think the Church has become too... biased. It's natural. Humans are the ones who have to lead it, and they're imperfect. Everybody has a motive or an opinion. I think some have been the wrong ones, and so I think the Church has lost its way a bit. Now don't get me wrong, I still love Jesus, I still think that the parables, the stories, they're all true. Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected. Salvation comes from being a good person and doing good things. It's just... until the Church can become more in line with my morals, I can't belong to it anymore.

I'm not anti-religion. I think Buddhism is the most naturally good religion in existence. I think all religions try to say the same truth, but humans get in the way and complicate things, saying that it's their way or the highway to Hell.

If you are a good person, you live a good life, and you love each other, then I think you live the Word and the way Jesus intended.

Happy Easter, everybody!


  1. AMEN!

    "If you are a good person, you live a good life, and you love each other, then I think you live the Word and the way Jesus intended. " <---- perfect statement right there :D

  2. I agree with both of you! I think Christianity itself isn't a bad religion, but with every faith there's something wrong with it, like extremists who LIVE by the book and tell you you're wrong. They end up giving a bad name to religion as a whole, which is unfortunate.

    Religion is tricky like that :P <3

  3. That's what I was thinking. Religion is so tricky lol.
