Friday, April 1, 2011

The Eighteenth of 25 Songs in 25 Days

A song that I love but rarely listen to.

I went through two Arcade Fires and a New Pornographers to only just remember this. I heard it a few summers back and totally loved it, only to listen to it a few times during the summers that followed. I'd listen to the song twice: once, with your eyes closed, imagining sitting outside in the summer with this playing, and just feel so peaceful.

Then watch it again with the moving titles in the video and lol.


  1. hahaha I loved this video & the song was really good too =] I got the peaceful vibe from it - bet it'd be great to listen to when you're stressed out too!!

  2. I'm glad I did it twice like you said. Extremely calming song. I really liked it but omg the video? AHAHAHAHA. that guy made me lol <3

  3. Haha my exact reaction! Apparently Jessica had the same reaction to the "psst" as that guy.

  4. The guy was reading my mind in that section of the video!!
