Monday, April 18, 2011

A Light Post

I hate to disappoint but I don't know how many big posts there will be for a little while. With finals next week, my mind is going to be overloaded with other things to do. I'll try to come up with some good stuff, but I don't know how likely it will be.

I wish I could take a picture of the light for you guys right now. The way it's coming into my room is a very red-gold glow. I know that sounds a bit random, but it's probably my favorite part about spring. There's something so unbelievably beautiful about it, enough to make me want to write. The spring is usually when I get my writing done, and I think this has a serious effect on it. It's almost ethereal in a way. Even when I have a bad day, coming into my room just relaxes me so much because of the light. It's inspiring, comforting, and warm.


  1. even if you could take a picture of the light for us, I'm sure your description of it was way better than what a photo could capture =]
