Monday, April 4, 2011

The Twenty-first of 25 Songs in 25 Days

My favorite song.

I have inadvertently posted my first and second favorite songs ("Hey Jude" and "Here Comes the Sun," respectively) already. So... this is not my favorite song. In fact, besides those first two, I can't say I have a third favorite song. The music I love, I love entirely. Sure, I could pick my favorite song from one of my favorite bands, and I think that's what I'll do.

I first heard Arcade Fire when I was driving home from Verot near Christmas. They played a song called "My Body is a Cage" on my Sirius, and... it was something I hadn't really heard frequently before. It was orchestral and yet rocking, entrancing and yet approachable, sad yet eventually uplifting. I went home and listened to it all the time, and now it's synonymous with Christmas for me.

I started getting curious about their other songs after listening to that several times. So, I went to YouTube and I listened. And listened. And listened. Their music was something I had interacted with only once before, and that with The Beatles. I loved every single one of their songs. Every. One. This song I pick now is my personal favorite. It just has this wonderful slow burn that I love. This song... wow.


  1. Awwww :) I love discovering how you came to like the bands you have :D

    Im gonna think of that christmas story when I listen to my body is a cage :)

  2. Also, this song is so Tyler.....

  3. I am totally dreading doing this song for the same reasons you have just stated!

    Arcade Fire, what's that? :P

  4. Aw thank you Ashley! I love your comments so much!

    Why would you dread it though? And #hipsterrage.

  5. because I've already posted my favorite songs! This was a pretty cool song - there's a TV trope about it, I think it's Fridge Brilliance, where a specific genre of music or a movie don't make sense when you first watch it, so you hate it. When you watch/listen a second time, it gets better.

    I think I can honestly say Arcade Fire is Fridge Brilliance for me, because they sound better & better with the more songs I hear from them :D
