Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Neverending Story

So I have begun. 365 days of blogging, can you handle it? I don't know if even I can. I don't know if I've taken on something in such a long-term before, so this will be a whole new experience. I've tried keeping journals before but always get bogged down or lazy and don't write anything, but I'm hoping this time will be different.

So what can you expect from this blogging adventure? Pretty much what you've come to expect: insightful entries, boring entries, and everything in between. Some days I might just post a video, or a sentence, or even a word. I fully intend to keep up this promise to post, because no matter what, this blog is a catharsis. I've gone through a lot these past few years, and sometimes I've struggled to express myself. I've held things back, not just from myself, but from family and friends. Putting words to... screen, I guess, is a way to exorcise my demons from the day, week, month, even year.

On March 1st, 2012, I want to look back on this blog as a better person than I was: healthier, happy, and more fulfilled.

As a great man once said, the world's going pretty fast. If you don't stop and take a look around once in a while, you might miss it.

So, will you join me?


  1. You might say this experience is like "a whole new world" to you? *troll face*

    Bueller, Bueller.

    Best of luck mr. watson :D Looking forward to a wonderful year of blogging. maybe you will be like julie and julia. *Troll face* :P

    also this is random but when you become a psychiatrist can you put dr. watson, i presume on your business cards? <3 you

  2. Hey, you. Yes, you.

    You're off to a great start, so you should keep endeavoring to persevere.

    Mmmmhm. Mmmmhm. You know what I'm sayin!

  3. Mmmmmhm, I do know what you're sayin'!

    And thanks to you both, it is your confidence that will keep me going through my times of struggle. Probably.

  4. Go places <3 Gabriela xx

