Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Thirteenth of 25 Songs in 25 Days

A song that reminds me of a former friend.

Ashley will flip out when she sees this.

Okay, so, in elementary school my best friend was Michel Avey. He was French-Canadian and totally loved ketchup. I remember seeing him eat it with a spoon once. He was a cool kid, really funny and whatnot. But he was also nice and smart, so he was a really great friend. He loved acting, and was Wilbur in our production of "Charlotte's Web." What always sticks out in my mind, however, was his desire to play Annie in "Annie." I remember him telling us about how our music teacher said that she had seen a dude play Annie before, whipping off his wig at the end of the show. He was my friend, so I was supportive, of course. In the end, though, he didn't play Annie. He played FDR, who randomly shows up at the end of the musical for some reason.

I haven't spoken to him since we graduated from elementary school. We're Facebook friends, but I've heard people from Verot mention him, calling him Meesh. Sometimes I think about what life would have been like if we stayed friends, but not often. I love the friends I have now, and if being friends with him all through life meant I wouldn't know these people, I'd hate that life.


  1. His name sounds really familiar.. was he in our grade? That last sentence was incredibly sweet :D

    Cute song choice & story!!

  2. He didn't go to Verot, but yeah, he's in our grade.

  3. initial reaction to the song :P

  4. Haha I thought you knew him or something!

  5. haha nope. I was just overly excited and posted my comment to say so!

    I don't know anyone :D



    you know .... decent blog post :P
