Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Eighth of 25 Songs in 25 Days

A song that reminds me of my “first love”

Okay, so the title sounds pretty negative, but let me explain. We were great friends in the sixth grade, and there was definitely an attraction between us. So, we decided to start dating. We had some great times, and really enjoyed being with each other. But, after a year of being together, we broke up. It just... faded away. I think we were too young to really understand, but it was still a wonderful time.


  1. CRYSTAL CASTLES OH MY GOD. I love Crimewave <3

    You dated in sixth grade and lasted a whole year together? Color me surprised!

  2. I don't even listen to this music all the time lol but this is still a good song.

    Oh yeah, impressed?

  3. There's a section in Crimewave that I've been told is what I would sound like if I was injected into a song, so seeing Crystal Castles reminded me of this :P

    haha yeah I'm impressed! I didn't think you were wooing the ladies way back then - I was too busy being baller to date boys seriously like that!

  4. I was always the young romantic.

  5. awww that comment is so cute :)


    very sweet and i also am impressed at that time for such young guys <3

  6. Well like I said in the blog, I don't know if we totally knew what we'd be getting in to, but it was fun.

  7. im glad your first love was something sweet and not tragic :)

  8. Thanks, Ashley. I know first loves tend to be awkward and such around the world.

  9. For sure. but yours is cute. <3

  10. This raises up so many questionsssss!!

    These are the sorts of moments I feel like I hardly know you guys :( & :P all at the same time!

  11. You will need to ask them all on Alot Tuesday!

    Hence the blog!

  12. But I wanna ask Ashley too!!!!!! #hmph #PetulantImp

  13. We will all get together some day and have a loooong talk :D
