Friday, March 11, 2011

Adventure is Out There

Yeah, the title comes from "Up," but it works here. This movie is called "Super 8." It's JJ Abrams' salute to Spielberg films of the 70s and 80s. Movies like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and (the dreaded) "ET."

One of my earliest memories of childhood was watching "Jurassic Park" and just being overwhelmingly entranced by it. Not just the dinosaurs, but the story, the characters, the atmosphere. Everything about it was just beautiful. "Jaws" came next, "Indiana Jones," "Star Wars" all of these great movies that have SOMETHING to do with Spielberg (even if he was just George Lucas's BFF for the "Star Wars" part). All I wanted during that time was to be a director, or an actor, or a writer, just SOMETHING that would make me the next Steven Spielberg. I wanted to make movies, be a part of Hollywood. When kids are little, most want to be fire men, or police officers, or something. I wanted to stay home and make little movies with my toys.

There's something so special about Spielberg. In the past we had the brothers Grimm for our fairy tales. The modern fairy tale is told by him. For my imagination, I have the greatest thanks to give to him. It's because of him that I act silly sometimes, or get my sense of humor. It was that atmosphere, that whimsy that he filled his movies with that has made the greatest impact on me. Without Steven Spielberg, I wouldn't be who I am today.

1 comment:

  1. Awww. thats really sweet, I had know idea he was that much of an inspiration to you. <3

    Its great that you have had someone you admired and looked up to still with you after all these years :) Most children lose them, he must be really special to you :D

    To his awesome movies to come :)
