Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The First of 25 Songs In 25 Days

Day One: A song from my childhood.

This was the first song on my first iPod. It is ridiculously catchy, and ridiculously 90's. I have no particular memory associated with this song from my childhood, but I remember it as part of that time.


  1. I LOVE THIS. It's also on my ipod and I still jam out to it :D

  2. NEEDS TO HAPPEN. Now I want to do this 25 song challenge..

  3. I'VE ALREADY BLOGGED 20 TIMES TODAY! I clearly have a problem as it is.

  4. glad to see this up :)

    so do you get knocked down but then get up again?
    madness. <3

  5. and jess you should do it. whats like a few more sentences and a blog post <3
