Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 29: DVD Wishlist

I'm not totally sure what they mean by wishlist. It's not like they're video games, I can rent them from Netflix or just buy them. I also don't have any DVDs that I want right now, so....
I KNOW! This whole countdown has been focused on movies, right? So now, I'll do a thing on television, because TV series come to DVD. So, my favorite TV shows:
1). Doctor Who

Everything I could say about this show and it's impact I've already said in a previous post. Funny, dramatic, scary, sad, and genre-busting brilliance.
2). Top Gear

I felt hesitant to post Lost here. Lost was my favorite show for the longest time, but I haven't watched it in over a year. Much like Jurassic Park, I think of it as a major part of my entertainment maturation into who I am now, but it's no longer my favorite.
Top Gear I just happened to watch one day because it was always on BBC America. I am so glad that I did. I'm not a car fan, but the show is honest to God hilarious. Every time. One of these days I'm putting my Stig bumpersticker up.
3). Mad Men

I didn't expect to love Mad Men. I had watched maybe an episode or two and found it easy to sleep to. I had heard so many great things about it, but I dismissed it as overrated. Then, just one day, I decided to give it another shot, and actually paid attention to the episode.
It's a slower paced show. There's no explosions or fist fights. It wraps you up in its tale, slowly and unexpectedly. You find yourself engaged, as though you're watching a play about a time long past, and yet still relevant. You become entranced, unable to look away even for a moment. The delivery, the direction, the writing all work together as a smooth, understated machine.
I feel it a disservice to put a clip of the show up here alone. I had a great one, just gutwrenching, a clip that shows why this show is so splendid. But without the rest of the machine, the cog is pointless. To really appreciate it, you must watch the show.
4). Game of Thrones

I am a little hesitant to post Game of Thrones here. The show just completed its first season, and, while it was extremely epic and very very very good, I don't know if I'd call it a favorite just yet. The book series it's based on is definitely my post-Harry Potter book obsession, but will the series live up to it? Time will tell.
5). The Walking Dead

From the first episode I considered this my Lost after Lost. A ragtag bunch of survivors in a character-driven drama, except, instead of a mysterious island, we have zombie-run Georgia. I haven't watched this for a few months, but the show, even with a very short 6-episode season, really left an impact on me.


  1. noiceeee choices! I am amazed you do not have lost on here though! I have to say I've actually had lost cravings. What i would give to just rewatch the crap-ton of episodes with cole, knowing that jack isnt as big of an asswipe as i thought ahahaa.

    But really great choices. I think when tv is good it is so much better than movies. God I can not wait for more doctor who! Im gonna scream. Such a good ending to the season <3

  2. Why thank you Ashley! Yeah, it kind of pained me not to include Lost, but I just haven't had the desire to go back and watch it :-/
    And I definitely agree with that statement. Shows like Mad Men and Doctor Who have such excellent writing that they can easily declare superiority over movies. And I can't wait for you to see the Christmas special. I want the second half of this season to come now!


  4. I kid. I read it, but I never know what to say when it comes to shows that I haven't watched/barely watch! :D

    I'm glad you find these shows so enjoyable though! TV definitely makes the week go by quicker and gives purpose to getting through the horrible days =]
