Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 26: A Movie I Have Seen More Than 10 Times

Oh look, another movie from childhood! It's weird how my earliest movie theater memories have to do with Disney films. I remember seeing this with my mom here at Bell Tower. It was cold and around Christmastime. I just think about sitting in that theater watching this, and it's hard to believe it was so long ago.
If it wasn't for this movie, I don't think we would have had the emotional resonance of Toy Story 3. We were all Andy playing with our toys, imagining the adventures they'd get in to. Now we're grown, in college, and most of our toys are gone. But they were there for us when we needed them, and we may still have some of them to this day. When I watch Toy Story, I think about playing with my toys as a kid, and that makes me feel good.

1 comment:

  1. <3333

    God your blurby thing made me sadz, but in a happy way <3
