Thursday, June 30, 2011

Another Writing Excerpt!

This was a paragraph describing some scene from nature.
The sun dips behind the trees, her rays reaching out through the leaves, as though desperately trying to stay above the horizon. Trickling further and further down, she peeks behind the tattered gazebo, thrashed apart by birds and nature. In the sun’s death throes the sky lights up in a magnificent array of oranges and reds. The clouds drift lazily, unaware of the spectacle around them. At last she is swallowed below the horizon, and all color is drained to a dark blue, growing ever blacker as time goes on. It is a dance the orb will make each day until doomsday, a dance of life, a dance of death. When we are but bones and dust, she will dance, dance until the very end.


  1. <3 very awesome and beautiful as usual :)

  2. D'awww thanks Ashley. This is actually one of the few pieces of my writing I like, too.
