Monday, August 8, 2011

"The world is a mess and I just need to rule it."

This has not been a good month, world-wise. Famine, massacres, deaths, riots, economic woes... the world is kind of shitty right now. People keep saying pray for this and that. I think it's great that people are praying, but they should be out doing something too. At least getting the word out about stuff. Jesus didn't just pray, he did works. Every little act counts.
Somebody said that they lamented the state of things by saying the Doctor wasn't here to fix it. Well, part of the reason why I love Doctor Who is because the Doctor is such a good role model for the best humanity can be. Don't just wallow in misery, try to make people laugh, or help them when they're in need. It's what he'd do.

1 comment:

  1. saw you say that!

    It's a shame though.. you know, bout what's going on right now and everything. There's only so much that you can do & it sucks. This is why I don't follow the news, because I'd rather be detached from everything that doesn't involve me or anyone I know, so I can concentrate on making everyone around me happy, because that's the only thing I'm able to do.

    I'll always provide the unpopular opinion!
