Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I can do an actual Irish accent now

Been watching a UK show called The IT Crowd all day. One of the characters is Irish, and now I can probably pull it off.

I wanted to play Fable III today but knew I'd get bored without new DLC, so I didn't.

I made hot dogs with Hebrew Nationals. They were delicious.

My loony grandma and aunt are coming over tomorrow afternoon and I cannot avoid it.

My allergies have been waging war on me all day.

One of the characters in The IT Crowd has a deep, husky, hammy voice that I would have sex with immediately. The voice, that is.

YouTube has just fucked up more of their sections, this time the favorites.

And that's the news of the day.


  1. CLOPIN :D

    your tweet was not a lie either. Enjoy having your two favorite relatives over and hopefully your allergies won't be bothering you at the same time. That would TRULY be unfortunate :/

  2. Latin: you're doing it right :D
