Thursday, August 25, 2011

And that's the week that was

At last, Thursday evening has come. My first week back in college has been, I think, a success. My professors, with one exception, are good to great. The classes, with the exception of one, are good to great. And my days, all of them, are really good to great. I'm so happy with the way this worked out, as it will make the semester much better.

Though I have to return briefly to FGCU tomorrow to buy a book, tomorrow will be the day I rest and recuperate. For though this was a great week, it was also a long one. Then Saturday shall be the magnificence of Fullmetal Alchemist marathon at Ashley's, followed by the season return of Doctor Who!


  1. I'm so freaking exciteddddddd <3

  2. words cannot describe how badly I need this day of FMA & DW.

  3. If you are in desperate need of DW, then you must REALLY need it.

  4. and i have a love/hate relationship with the show too. #srsbsns
