Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Color My Life with the Chaos of Trouble

I had a good day. Not as good as yesterday, but still good. I was able to get a spot in Garage number two, which I have decided to call the Garage of Death, due to reckless driving and tiny corridors. I made the Bataan Death March of FGCU to get to Holmes, and ran into a friend of mine there, who also happened to be taking my next class. My Research Methods professor cannot control the volume OF HIS VOICE, which is a bit distracting, but I got used to it. It seems a lot like Experimental Psych but, thank God, we don't actually have to do a psychological experiment. Really, we do everything but the experimenting part. So, we do all the things tied to it, but without the stress of conducting it... so better, I guess.

My friend and I got out 15 minutes early, so we even got to chill at Jamba Juice for a little while. We got to our class, Developmental Psych, in Sugden. Kimbler just gave off this very good vibe, so I'm happy with the class, even though there's a paper and 10 service learning hours. So, 20 this semester :-/

I really liked running into my classroom neighbor Jessica, who, though it sounds corny, does make my day happier just seeing her.

Came home, nearly had a heart attack from the horrendous lightning right above my house, and now here I am. Even though the week has been pleasant so far, it feels like it's been dragging on forever. It's just because it's the first week though, so the rest of the semester will fly by.

Oh, and if my professors could stop saying, "yeah, there's a paper to write, but we'll talk about that later" without saying how many pages the damn thing is, I would really appreciate it.


  1. D'AWWWWW! You even spotted me through the tiny window on the classroom too! You had exceptionally eyesight during that moment!

    I love Kimbler. So much. When I had him, the papers were only a page! He's really laidback, so I doubt your papers are gonna be long for his class :D

  2. My Jessica senses were tingling.

    I love his accent. Really, I love everything about him. He seems so cool :-D

  3. Clearly they were!! I was even shrouded in darkness too!

    I could talk about that guy forever. It's kind of sad but idgaf, he's a-maze-ing.

  4. I actually even saw you walk into the classroom :-)


  5. Aww thats so cute :) and I;m glad you had a nice second day! :)
