Saturday, May 21, 2011

Two Years

It's been two years since we graduated. It's surreal to think about that. It feels just like yesterday that I was sitting in the bleachers watching it all occur. Then I remember going to Valhalla and having so much fun there, then finally waiting with Ashley as we watched all of our former classmates leave and never see many of them ever again. It still weirds me out to think that I'm in college, and yet here I am.
I've said it before that I can't truly say I miss Verot as much as I used to. That part of my life is over, but I do miss the people. I miss being in the theatre, hanging out in the Green Room or the wings. I miss lots of my fellow actors. I miss our old jokes (THE TIME IS NOW) and the whole environment.
I think I miss it most because it's something I could go back to. I can still do theatre, and talk or hang out with our old actors. I just don't.

1 comment:

  1. It sucks growing up, watching all of us grow a part. But that's life right?

    Beautiful but filled with misery. lol
