Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Was Perfect

O "Black Swan," you have more layers than "Inception" and are just so beautiful, even in your gore. It's so deep, so tragic, so filled with meaning. The camera work is extraordinary, the acting incredible, the imagery so potent. It's avant garde without being overt. It's scary without relying on too many jump scares. It creeps up on you, disorients you, questions the reality of the situation. It, to me, was the movie of 2010.

Today ended up being much better than yesterday. Not to say that chilling and bowling with Jessica yesterday wasn't awesome, just the negativity from last night sucked. It was definitely a "me" day, which is great. I love these days.


  1. God I know what you mean! "ME" days are the freaking best! <3

  2. I LURVE THEM SO MUCH. It's like... so peaceful. So much.

  3. I AM IN SO MUCH AGREEMENT ON ALL OF THESE POINTS! This movie might single handedly be my favorite of 2011 as well, considering we all watched it early 2011 =] (now I want to go out and find this soundtrack and listen to it always)

    "Me" days are phenomenal, especially during the summer when responsibilities are few and far in between :D

  4. Oh heck yes on that. I love the music so much!

    And they really are the best of days in the summer.
