Sunday, November 20, 2011

So this will be a disappointing 300th post

I'm just copy and pasting this from Tumblr because I feel horrendous.

I am in a distinctive "not giving a fuck" mood.
I took Sudafed earlier and that made my heartrate skyrocket, my nose has been bothering me all day, I’ve been reading and barely understanding eight different psych papers that I will have to write a literature review for, I found out we were supposed to film for my Civic Engagement class last Monday and we didn’t and it’s my fault, which means now we’re filming on Wednesday, and I just want it to hurry up and be Thanksgiving because I am fucking done.

Sorry for the vent.

1 comment:

  1. I really wish Blogger would not do this ^ to me!!

    I'm sorry you are still feeling ill!! If you drank caffeine when you were taking Sudafed that could have been the cause for your heartbeat going crazy!
