Friday, November 11, 2011

Making This Post Early

Because I imagine I'll be working past midnight with no chance to write an entry.

I volunteered at the Clubhouse for 2 hours, which went fine. I've got my 10 hours done there, thank God. I then quickly rushed over to Gamestop and bought Skyrim. Yeah, I gave in, and I regret nothing. Also, the people who work at Gamestop are actually really friendly, and they're gamers, which is great. I ran into that super blonde, pale kid that was friends with Julia for a while that we always seem to run into.

So now I'm home, about to embark on this mammoth paper that will probably end up killing me. So, if this is the end, know that I tolerated you all.

1 comment:

  1. Justin! :P He likes FMA:Brotherhood, but don't talk about the original with him, because he super dislikes it! Ashley & I made that mistake :P

    I hope you actually get to play Skyrim, even if you have papers and such! Remember: all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!!
