Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Floating On

Today was one for the record books.

I woke up to my mom telling me that I needed to go to Costco after class. An inconvenience, but I'd do it and come home and be done. The place was a nightmare, considering it's snowbird season now, so even rushing it took me 45 minutes to from the time I arrived to the time I left. I came home, had to do a flurry of things, then, as I settled down, my mom sent me a text saying dad was coming over and we were having a family meeting. This is another inconvenience, because I have an essay to write, and now I'm concerned that something big is happening.

My dad comes by early, and tells me that I'm apparently going to have to start paying my own car payments and find a job. This is highly irritating, because now it feels like, even though I've told my mom a thousand times I'm finding a job subbing next semester, she still can't put it together that I'm going to be employed.

Ten minutes later he tells me that we've been sent our foreclosure notice and we have to move by the 22nd.

I'm just... numb for the next few hours. Mom comes home, we have our meeting, but now it's exclusively about the foreclosure. We have places in mind, but we don't know for sure. I can't fathom how cruel the judge is to do this three days before Christmas. I don't understand at all, and I'm just so tired.

I've had a paper to write, and I just can't do it. A few more hours pass, my mom is talking to Jeff and my grandpa, then... she tells me to come in. There's a condo at Laguna Lakes just listed today, and it's very possible that we'll be living there. And suddenly, things are shaping up.

1 comment:

  1. I hope everything does indeed shape up!! I'm glad your day/night ended on a more positive note!
