Wednesday, December 21, 2011

In which I nap on the couch for the first time

I've never done that before. I've slept on the couch when my room was being painted, but I've never just been like, "Okay, I read some of my play, and I feel sleepy. Nap time!" It was lovely.

I got to read Act One of The Lion in Winter, a Christmas tradition. It is, as I remember, a great play. I was hoping reading it would make it feel more like Christmas, which it did a little... but I had the AC going and the sun was very bright, so that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped. Still, I got to read for the first time in months!

I've also set up the Wii in the madre's room, which means she'll see all the anime on Netflix, so no more sneaking around with that like it's my porn. I've also set up the Xbox and gotten the new dashboard, but this was only after freaking out about the AV cords which I thought got fucked up because the screen was black and white. However, two cords I had take out of the TV earlier had ripped out the colored bands which, after noticing, I fixed, and the Xbox is fine. Now I'm excited to play Lego Harry Potter with Jessica (and Ashley, if she wants) after using one of those free Gamefly deals that you see on TV. Should be a blast playing a game where you break things with Jessica, who I imagine will still be flailing and screaming over it.

I also got some things done around the house, but, now that mom is on winter break, we have to go back into "doing all the things" overdrive again. Alas, such is my life.

Jesse was given a pre-owned laptop by one of his guildmates. He torrented Windows 7 onto it, but, this has made him distracted throughout the day, so we haven't gotten to talk much. But, it's just one day.

By the way, I freak out too much from this trailer. Seriously, I'm worrying about having a heart attack induced by too much excitement and fanboying.

1 comment:

  1. I am a collector, so you have been warned. I destroy EVERYTHING! Such is the way of the Amazonians :D
