Tuesday, December 27, 2011

And the Final One

Well, I've come out to Maureen. She's the last of our circle that I've come out to, face-to-face. It was terrifying, as always, but she reacted in the best way possible: not shocked, just said, "okay," and then we carried on with our conversation. She told me she was surprised, but that it's not a problem at all. She's really happy for me, and that I have Jesse. We then spent the rest of the time just talking like we always do, which we haven't gotten to do in a while. It was lovely.

Now this just leaves Facebook. I'll be making my relationship with Jesse public, which I'm happy about and also nervous. Maureen had a good point that pretty much everyone we know wouldn't care, and would really just be shocked instead of anything else. Still, doesn't mean I won't be nervous, which is natural. I just hope everything goes well with that.


  1. It'll be perfectly fine! And if you have to ask why I'm so sure, then you've seemed to have forgotten that you have a great boyfriend, the two greatest people you will ever meet (cough ashley and I :P), and your millions of Tumblr followers who are addicted to your blitherings :D

    That's not even including the people in RL who have already accepted you for all that you are!


    (I noticed the typing error but decided not to fix it because I know it will make Jessica laugh...as always <3 )

  3. hahahahahaha I love when ^that^ happens!!!! :D
