Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rainy Tuesday

Today was a weird mix of "bleh" and "good." Research Methods is rapidly proving to be a horrific class that is only second to Psych of Learning, which I am coming to find out that everyone despises. Which, after the first test, which I got a fucking D+ on, I fully understand. That grade is bullshit, by the way, as I know I got all the important details correct in her questions.

Developmental Psych wasn't so bad. I got my group organized, pretty much making it official that I'm the leader of them.

The rain has been lovely to chill out in bed during. The scary gusts I can live without, though.

I heard this song on the way home and I thought it evoked a really positive feeling. I think I'm pegging it as my autumn song, as it just has that sound and message to it. Jessica will most likely hate it, but I still think she should give it a listen.

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