Saturday, October 22, 2011

In which I want all of the Arkham games like nobody's business

At first, I'll admit, I didn't have much interest in the Arkham games. Now, I want them ALL SO BADLY. THEY ARE SO PRETTY AND AWESOME-LOOKING!!!!!

Today was a good day. I got a good sleep, took care of the post-party mess in the kitchen, got my hurr did, and went to Ashley's, all with amazing weather. I actually have some interest in Fullmetal now because of Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong, who I thought for a little while had the nickname "The Northern Wall of Briggs" because she was such a badass defender of the actual Northern Wall of Briggs. Pity we saw all of two minutes of her. Stupid haircut. But it looks lovely.

Following this was a delicious sub and then perusal of Ashley's PS3, followed by the de-mo (as it's pronounced, apparently) of Catherine, which was so frustrating and intense blaaargh. Also, Vincent is a douche.


  1. all of this! I'm glad you like Olivier :P now I know you officially like FMA :D

  2. Just like you liking Rory does not mean you like Doctor Who, just because I like Olivier does not mean I like FMA.

    Just saying.

  3. But I will say Arkham Asylum isn't nearly as pretty as Arkham City. That was fucking gorgeous. To bad you don't love us enough to come earlier and see me actually play Asylum and beat it :P

