Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh a deep post

I really want you guys to give this song a listen. It's got that epic quality that I adore in my music. It sounds like the music that plays at the end of a movie, where the hero had to overcome a lot and finally gets the girl.
Life really does play out like a movie sometimes. We're each the star of our own story, and we do face challenges that could win any award. Even the most boring day is something special.
This sounds like a strange place to get a quote from, but Bob Ross, the guy famous for painting on PBS with the afro and voice like velvet, once said that "we walk around everyday looking but without really seeing." I think there's something beautiful and inspirational in our everyday life, but sometimes it gets lost in our rush and stress. If we take a moment to actually see, we would feel much happier with life.


  1. I could also picture this song accompanying an aftermath to an apocalypse, but that's kind of ignoring the lyrics!

    I don't know this Bob Ross, but he speaks the truth!

  2. I'll show you one of his painting videos the next time we're together!
