Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm Out

I told my parents today. I knew they wouldn't be upset or angry, but I was still just so terrified. I was at lunch with my dad, and we were heading back to his place when, after reading a wonderful birthday card he gave me, I just decided to tell him. He said he wasn't completely surprised, and that he was so proud of me. I told him about Jesse, and that I was very happy, and he said that was the best thing he could ever want for me.

That evening, before she went to bed, I told my mom. I prefaced by saying how much I loved her, and how much she loved me, and then just said it. She looked horrifyingly shocked, and that terrified me to my core. I didn't think she understood, and that our relationship as I knew it was over. She asked if I was sure, and I told her yes. And then... she said she loved me, and was happy that I was happy, and called me incredibly brave. Then she gave me a hug, and I knew everything would be okay.

I think those two were the most terrifying moments of my life. I've never been so vulnerable or scared. I'm blessed to have two amazing parents, because I know things could have gone worse.


  1. I'm really glad everything worked out well! I can't imagine the type of courage one who need to be honest about something so personal as that. I mean, it took me months before I even told my parents I was dating somebody, so I give you crazy amounts of kudos for coming out to your parents! I figured everything would go swimmingly, since your parents aren't jerks and are incredibly nice (never met your dad, but I'm assuming since your mom doesn't murder me for liking bizarre/different things)


  2. #Allofthem

    That's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Thank you so much, Jessica. If it weren't for you and Ashley, I probably wouldn't have been able to do it. You guys mean so much to me.

  3. I am so so so soooo proud of you. You are an unbelievable brave person tyler, one who I look up to <3
