Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Precipice

So I return to FGCU tomorrow. I can't say it's something I'm seriously looking forward to. Christmas Break has been amazing, and I will miss it dearly. I haven't been this relaxed in ages. As the sun ticks lower over the horizon, I think about what the week will bring. For you see, the first week is the hump of the unknown. Once I pass it, the first week of May will be here before I know it. The classes I have picked are all interesting, the time between classes I have friends to be with, and I still have Friday off. Do I think the semester will be just as difficult as the last? I hope not. All I have to do is make it through this semester, and try to enjoy all the time I have within it.


  1. By spending time with meeeeee!! =P

    I know what you mean about this semester - I'm kind of underestimating it, because of how spaced out my classes are too. At the same time though, I realize it will be more difficult due to my slothy ways =]

    (You say things eloquently and I barge in like a pleeb)

  2. your semester will go splendidly :) the best one yet my friend :D

  3. I hope so, Ashley. And Jessica, your response was fine!
