Monday, September 27, 2010


So I'm starting to worry I have ADD. Or ADHD. Whatever. Every time I mean to start studying, I can barely focus for 10 seconds before I switch to Twitter/Facebook/IGN/whatever. I didn't use to be like this. I used to be able to study for at least an hour without switching to some other activity. I'm tense and more prone to procrastination than ever before. I think it's starting to affect my grades.
Just this morning, I decided to get in two hours of solid studying before my Medieval Euro test. I had been set to study last night, just after Dexter, but decided to procrastinate because I was tired. Before that, I had been meaning to study in the afternoon, but held off because something interesting was on television, or I just didn't feel like doing it.
So I have my notes all out in front of me and I'm beginning to study, when I have this urge to go on Twitter. I do, just to appease myself briefly, then plan on studying the rest of the time. I read a page of notes, then go to Facebook. A bullet, IGN. It goes on and on, with time growing on the Internet, and shorter time focusing on my studies. I take my test without having read all of my notes/scanning the readings, and get an 82. At first, I'm thrilled! I got a B! But then I realize that I got a B in a history class. This should've been easy, a guaranteed A.
I check my grade on the essay we had to write. I got a 79. On an essay. I'm usually great at essays! What is wrong with me?
I think it has to do with stress. I have to push myself to get amazing grades so that I can get into grad school, and the stress from that makes me want to avoid it and focus on leisurely things. But if I do that, I won't get good grades, and the only way to get good grades is too study, but I don't want to study, because it's too stressful, and so on and so on.
I'm trapped in this recursive predicament, and I don't know what to do.


  1. blogging about it is clearly what you must do =P

    I think college is spoiling us with the leisure time, because I too have this problem! High school was srs bsns with the 8 hr days and all classes each and every day. I think college feels like a joke, which is a thought I have in some of my classes, not that they are easy, but because some teachers are really laid back about things. The ADD thing might be true in your case, because you were so busy getting caught up in your spin cycle of procrastination that you made a grammar mistake! you NEVER make grammar mistakes... I'm beginning to suspect Tito didn't write this...

  2. I agree. I was just thinking that we have loads of time off, when homework takes a morning to do just before class or whatever, and then suddenly it's a week of tests. I think that might have to do with the ADD thing, where I'm used to a bunch of free time and then have to do a sudden shift to work time.

    Also, I didn't write this. I had my helper monkey Sebastian write it while I dictated.

  3. College is a jerk that way - it comes off super easy but then tests come at an alarming pace. I still can't manage to successfully read the textbook for my classes. I usually start out reading textbooks, but then I get lazy and only look at it a week before exam day, which probably causes more harm than good.

    I KNEW IT!

  4. Hell, I can't even get through a paragraph in my textbooks without shifting over to the interwebs. It's very frustrating.

    He's getting better. Now he can type and eat a banana.

  5. So, I was trying to to read for class when I decided to visit your blog...Yes, college is a different matter. I find myself having to set a specific time to study or I end up not doing it at all!

    Gabriela xx

    And Jessica's right...Tito never makes grammar mistakes. haha!
