Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Survey Questions

Here's a very, very quick and easy survey that I need for one of my classes. It's extremely important, so I would very much appreciate it if you could take it.

What is your gender?
1 = Male
2 = Female
3 = Other/Prefer not to say

What is your age?
1 = 18-24
2 = 25-34
3 = 35+

A number of statements that people have used to describe themselves are given below. Read the statements below and indicate how you generally feel by placing the appropriate number next to each item.

1 = Almost Never
2 = Sometimes
3 = Often
4 = Almost Always

1. I have a fiery temper.
2. I fly off the handle.
3. I am a hotheaded person.
4. I feel irritated.
5. I feel angry.

Using the 5 point scale shown below, indicate how uncharacteristic or characteristic each of the following statements is in describing you after playing a violent video game, such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, or Grand Theft Auto IV. Place your rating in the box to the right of the statement.

1 = extremely uncharacteristic of me
2 = somewhat uncharacteristic of me
3 = neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
4 = somewhat characteristic of me
5 = extremely characteristic of me

1. I flare up quickly but I get over it quickly.
2. I find myself disagreeing with people.
3. When frustrated, I let my irritation show.
4. I find myself more prone to using swear words.
5. I have trouble controlling my temper.

Using the 5 point scale shown below, indicate how uncharacteristic or characteristic each of the following statements is in describing you after playing a nonviolent video game, such as Wii Sports, The Sims, or Rock Band. Place your rating in the box to the right of the statement.

1 = extremely uncharacteristic of me
2 = somewhat uncharacteristic of me
3 = neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
4 = somewhat characteristic of me
5 = extremely characteristic of me

1. I flare up quickly but I get over it quickly.
2. I find myself disagreeing with people.
3. When frustrated, I let my irritation show.
4. I find myself more prone to using swear words.
5. I have trouble controlling my temper.


  1. What is your gender?
    1 = Male

    What is your age?
    1 = 18-24

    A number of statements that people have used to describe themselves are given below. Read the statements below and indicate how you generally feel by placing the appropriate number next to each item.

    1 = Almost Never
    2 = Sometimes
    3 = Often
    4 = Almost Always

    2 I have a fiery temper.
    3 I fly off the handle.
    2 I am a hotheaded person.
    4 I feel irritated.
    2 I feel angry.

    Using the 5 point scale shown below, indicate how uncharacteristic or characteristic each of the following statements is in describing you after playing a violent video game, such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, or Grand Theft Auto IV. Place your rating in the box to the right of the statement.

    1 = extremely uncharacteristic of me
    2 = somewhat uncharacteristic of me
    3 = neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
    4 = somewhat characteristic of me
    5 = extremely characteristic of me

    5 I flare up quickly but I get over it quickly.
    4 I find myself disagreeing with people.
    3 When frustrated, I let my irritation show.
    5 I find myself more prone to using swear words.
    2 I have trouble controlling my temper.

    Using the 5 point scale shown below, indicate how uncharacteristic or characteristic each of the following statements is in describing you after playing a nonviolent video game, such as Wii Sports, The Sims, or Rock Band. Place your rating in the box to the right of the statement.

    1 = extremely uncharacteristic of me
    2 = somewhat uncharacteristic of me
    3 = neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
    4 = somewhat characteristic of me
    5 = extremely characteristic of me

    5 I flare up quickly but I get over it quickly.
    2 I find myself disagreeing with people.
    2 When frustrated, I let my irritation show.
    1 I find myself more prone to using swear words.
    1 I have trouble controlling my temper.

  2. What is your gender?
    1 = Male

    What is your age?
    1 = 18-24


    2. I have a fiery temper.
    1. I fly off the handle.
    1. I am a hotheaded person.
    2. I feel irritated.
    2. I feel angry.


    4. I flare up quickly but I get over it quickly.
    1. I find myself disagreeing with people.
    2. When frustrated, I let my irritation show.
    4. I find myself more prone to using swear words.
    3. I have trouble controlling my temper.


    1. I flare up quickly but I get over it quickly.
    1. I find myself disagreeing with people.
    1. When frustrated, I let my irritation show.
    1. I find myself more prone to using swear words.
    1. I have trouble controlling my temper.


  4. What is your gender?
    1 = Male
    2 = Female
    3 = Other/Prefer not to say

    Answer= 1

    What is your age?
    1 = 18-24
    2 = 25-34
    3 = 35+

    Answer: Can I say 17 Under?

    A number of statements that people have used to describe themselves are given below. Read the statements below and indicate how you generally feel by placing the appropriate number next to each item.

    1 = Almost Never
    2 = Sometimes
    3 = Often
    4 = Almost Always

    1. I have a fiery temper. 2
    2. I fly off the handle. 2
    3. I am a hotheaded person. 1
    4. I feel irritated. 3
    5. I feel angry. 3

    Using the 5 point scale shown below, indicate how uncharacteristic or characteristic each of the following statements is in describing you after playing a violent video game, such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, or Grand Theft Auto IV. Place your rating in the box to the right of the statement.

    1 = extremely uncharacteristic of me
    2 = somewhat uncharacteristic of me
    3 = neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
    4 = somewhat characteristic of me
    5 = extremely characteristic of me

    1. I flare up quickly but I get over it quickly. 5
    2. I find myself disagreeing with people. 5
    3. When frustrated, I let my irritation show. 4
    4. I find myself more prone to using swear words. 5
    5. I have trouble controlling my temper. 1

    Using the 5 point scale shown below, indicate how uncharacteristic or characteristic each of the following statements is in describing you after playing a nonviolent video game, such as Wii Sports, The Sims, or Rock Band. Place your rating in the box to the right of the statement.

    1 = extremely uncharacteristic of me
    2 = somewhat uncharacteristic of me
    3 = neither uncharacteristic nor characteristic of me
    4 = somewhat characteristic of me
    5 = extremely characteristic of me

    1. I flare up quickly but I get over it quickly. 5
    2. I find myself disagreeing with people. 5
    3. When frustrated, I let my irritation show. 4
    4. I find myself more prone to using swear words. 5
    5. I have trouble controlling my temper. 1
