Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In which I meet Jessica's friends right before they leave to go to college

I had an interesting day. As soon as I woke up this morning my dad calls me to tell me that he's ready to pick his moped up from getting repairs. This leads to me trying to half-ass my way through a conversation on automobiles with the lady at the store in my crappy CSI shirt with the giant hole that I've had since 7th grade. I figured I could just chill in my car, but no, I had to go in with dad looking like I just rolled out of bed. Which I did, but anyway.
Then there's a couple of hours where I listen to this song repeatedly, then get ready to go to Jessica's birthday linner at Iguana Mia's, where I haven't been since I was a small child. I had a lovely time there, seeing Austin for the second time, Sarah for the first, and learning that Jessica was punished with exercise if she got a math problem wrong. This made me lol.
Then as I drove home, this song played on the radio, which pretty much cemented me into a Beirut mood, and I've been listening to his albums on Grooveshark ever since. The Flying Club Cup and the Gulag Orkestar are such beautiful albums that put me in a French cafe in the fall and everything is so pretty and calm and emotional and I just have a lot of feelings okay ;_;


  1. you're welcome :D

    your last phrase, "I just have a lot of feelings okay ;_;" instantly made me picture a gif that I see everywhere. Tumblr has infested my soul & I'm sure yours, as well, if you even had one!

  2. You should have gotten me with Sarah earlier. I feel like we could have been a great team.

    That's totally where I got it from. #Feelingallthefeelings

  3. I'm jelly i didnt get to be there. STUPID CRIMINALS!

  4. What was the crime that kept us from you?

  5. nothing. i never got called in. i just sat there reading lol
