Sunday, August 21, 2011

And so we come to it at last: the setting sun of summer

I've lived through 20 summers now, and this one was the greatest. Without a doubt in my mind. These past two summers have been absolutely miserable, which made this one all the better. I've done things I never expected to do. I drove to South Carolina twice and found someone I care about deeply. I saw my first concert. I went to Busch Gardens and rode every roller coaster. I watched anime and enjoyed it. I got Jessica to watch Doctor Who! I played DnD and really liked it! I sat and read books! I relaxed and became more comfortable with myself and my life. I got fucking high! I challenged everything I knew and had adventures. Honest to God adventures.

It's hard to think that tomorrow I'll be back in real life. I don't intend to dread or suffer through the semester. I mean to kick its ass like last time, get amazing grades, and totally succeed. I aim to enjoy every day, even the really stressful ones. I will find light in the darkness. I will not let anything bring me down. I will have an amazing semester.


  1. The adventures are just beginning <3 I'm so glad you had such an amazing summer! Here's to the amazing school year up ahead and to the next chapter of adventure :D

  2. what ashley said!

    did school start today? :D

  3. Thanks Ashley :-)

    Jessica I'm going to kill you.
