Monday, August 22, 2011

Everything Went Better Than Expected

Somehow, some way, my first day was not miserable, torturous, or unpleasant. I actually had a great day. I arrived and got a parking spot in the appropriate garage in a timely manner, socialized with some classmates, thought my civil engagement class was potentially interesting, then went to spend several hours with Danielle, who exists. I ate delicious Chick-fil-a, which I don't know how much longer I can enjoy, since I might be giving it up for its politics. I had a lovely time with her, which was only amplified when Jessica arrived. Despite having an alleged derp moment, we had an excellent time, and I hope Jessica and Danielle liked each other.

At 3:30 I had Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature, which was awesome. My professor is so cool, the subject is so fascinating to the point I got excited by the material, and I just know it'll be an awesome class. The guy read old and middle English, fluently, to us. So amazing.

I'm really happy my day went so well. Probably my best first day ever.