Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh, new Blogger Interface

 Everything is so... in my face on here D-: Today felt like a long day, but not as long as last Wednesday. I'm so happy tomorrow is my last day, and then the four day birthday weekend! I'm so incredibly excited for Saturday, guys. Seriously. It's going to be awesome!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Nonsensical Ramblings

'Twas a rainy Monday. I did not care for walking in the rain. However everything else was quite nice. Almost died in 5 o'clock traffic, whoo.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I am never going to like beer

I just tried Blue Moon, which has a citrus-y flavor, with two slices of orange in it, and still didn't like it. I am sorry, Scottish forefathers, I do not like beer. I liked haggis, maybe I'll like mead, but I do not like beer.

Guess who has two thumbs and spent six hours doing homework? This guy. Granted, it was two days worth of homework, but it's not a fun way to spend a Sunday. At least I'll be free tomorrow and Tuesday night.

Otherwise I had an okay day. Waking up this morning I had a passionate desire for it to be Halloween, but no such luck. I can't wait for cooler weather and Halloween season.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Creys and Laughs

I had another really great day, which is to be expected when I'm with Ashley and Jessica. It felt like it was still the summer, which was really wondrous, and a little sad at the same time.

We started off with Glee, which I did not hate, and actually enjoyed the humor a bit. But I really hate all the characters I've seen, and the music wasn't great. Still, the humor is enough to keep me wanting more, so I'll keep up with it.

And then came Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Oh dear God. So many things, feelings, and opinions on that show. I don't think I've ever been so disturbed by a television show in my entire life. Then there was the depression, and then funny stuff, and ugh... so many feelings. It's really really heavy. I still feel out of sorts from that horrible disturbing part.

We ate Chinese and had fun reminiscing, then Ashley and I had an amazing Doctor Who watching experience. Jessica did not share our fandom fervor, obviously. But still, it was a lovely time.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Day of Rest

Today, aside from having to go to FGCU to get my replacement book, I just relaxed. I'm so incredibly excited to be with you guys tomorrow to watch Fullmetal Alchemist and Doctor Who, but most of all, just to hang out with you guys.

Also, Jessica, I think you'll be able to understand the words to this song.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

And that's the week that was

At last, Thursday evening has come. My first week back in college has been, I think, a success. My professors, with one exception, are good to great. The classes, with the exception of one, are good to great. And my days, all of them, are really good to great. I'm so happy with the way this worked out, as it will make the semester much better.

Though I have to return briefly to FGCU tomorrow to buy a book, tomorrow will be the day I rest and recuperate. For though this was a great week, it was also a long one. Then Saturday shall be the magnificence of Fullmetal Alchemist marathon at Ashley's, followed by the season return of Doctor Who!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm an INFJ

I took that test a few years ago and am an INFJ. Granted, that might be different now. I tried to take the test but couldn't really put the effort into it due to feeling uber tired.

I had a pretty good, but long, day. In Civic Engagement I got to be a member of the fictional country of Minoria, who was suspicious of the people of Majoria, who offered help to us. We'd been burned before, so we didn't accept it easily. It was a fun class.

15 minutes later and I'm sitting in Psychology of Learning, which is nearly 3 hours long and painfully dull. Due to our professor, who is very smart, but really shitty at teaching. At least I got to see a lot of my old psych major friends in it.

I had to sit alone in Jamba without Jessica, but I got some time to read the paper and study for my Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature quiz. Maureen showed up near the end, so it was all good.

My Anglo-Saxon class might be the highlight of the semester. I absolutely love going to this class. It's so entertaining and interesting. Jessica, we learned about a Celtic queen named Boudica that you might be interested in. We divined runes today, which was also very cool.

Unfortunately, I then had to wait 20-30 minutes to get out of the parking garage, then drive in horrid traffic, only to come home and see my irritating grandma and aunt there. The last people I'd want to see, feeling as tired as I am. Thank Odin they left quickly.

My homework has been tedious reading this evening, which is never fun. Thankfully, tomorrow is my last day, and then my lovely Doctor Who weekend!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Color My Life with the Chaos of Trouble

I had a good day. Not as good as yesterday, but still good. I was able to get a spot in Garage number two, which I have decided to call the Garage of Death, due to reckless driving and tiny corridors. I made the Bataan Death March of FGCU to get to Holmes, and ran into a friend of mine there, who also happened to be taking my next class. My Research Methods professor cannot control the volume OF HIS VOICE, which is a bit distracting, but I got used to it. It seems a lot like Experimental Psych but, thank God, we don't actually have to do a psychological experiment. Really, we do everything but the experimenting part. So, we do all the things tied to it, but without the stress of conducting it... so better, I guess.

My friend and I got out 15 minutes early, so we even got to chill at Jamba Juice for a little while. We got to our class, Developmental Psych, in Sugden. Kimbler just gave off this very good vibe, so I'm happy with the class, even though there's a paper and 10 service learning hours. So, 20 this semester :-/

I really liked running into my classroom neighbor Jessica, who, though it sounds corny, does make my day happier just seeing her.

Came home, nearly had a heart attack from the horrendous lightning right above my house, and now here I am. Even though the week has been pleasant so far, it feels like it's been dragging on forever. It's just because it's the first week though, so the rest of the semester will fly by.

Oh, and if my professors could stop saying, "yeah, there's a paper to write, but we'll talk about that later" without saying how many pages the damn thing is, I would really appreciate it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Everything Went Better Than Expected

Somehow, some way, my first day was not miserable, torturous, or unpleasant. I actually had a great day. I arrived and got a parking spot in the appropriate garage in a timely manner, socialized with some classmates, thought my civil engagement class was potentially interesting, then went to spend several hours with Danielle, who exists. I ate delicious Chick-fil-a, which I don't know how much longer I can enjoy, since I might be giving it up for its politics. I had a lovely time with her, which was only amplified when Jessica arrived. Despite having an alleged derp moment, we had an excellent time, and I hope Jessica and Danielle liked each other.

At 3:30 I had Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature, which was awesome. My professor is so cool, the subject is so fascinating to the point I got excited by the material, and I just know it'll be an awesome class. The guy read old and middle English, fluently, to us. So amazing.

I'm really happy my day went so well. Probably my best first day ever.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

And so we come to it at last: the setting sun of summer

I've lived through 20 summers now, and this one was the greatest. Without a doubt in my mind. These past two summers have been absolutely miserable, which made this one all the better. I've done things I never expected to do. I drove to South Carolina twice and found someone I care about deeply. I saw my first concert. I went to Busch Gardens and rode every roller coaster. I watched anime and enjoyed it. I got Jessica to watch Doctor Who! I played DnD and really liked it! I sat and read books! I relaxed and became more comfortable with myself and my life. I got fucking high! I challenged everything I knew and had adventures. Honest to God adventures.

It's hard to think that tomorrow I'll be back in real life. I don't intend to dread or suffer through the semester. I mean to kick its ass like last time, get amazing grades, and totally succeed. I aim to enjoy every day, even the really stressful ones. I will find light in the darkness. I will not let anything bring me down. I will have an amazing semester.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

In which Jessica FINALLY finishes all of Eleven's episodes

We did it. The major goal of our summer, to get Jessica to watch all of Eleven's episodes of Doctor Who, has been completed. It is very rewarding and fantastic that we could do it.

I had an extremely awesome day with her, teaching her what bears, cubs, and otters are, showing off my pizza-making technique, giving her the excellent Totoro shirt and ThinkGeek surprise shirt, and general shenanigans. I'm glad to have spent so much time with her and Ashley this summer, it's helped make it the best one ever.

Also, Ashley, this video is amazingly well-fitting for Avatar. Shockingly so.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Playing Fable III all the time forever

I know this is small potatoes... but I got a hairpiece in the game that I've been wanting for ages that doesn't make my character look derpy and I finally got it! #Personalvictory

Thursday, August 18, 2011

And now, a haiku

Thursday was busy
I went to Costco today
It rained on me... shit.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today, as I've mentioned elsewhere (Tumblr) was a day where I just felt out-of-sorts. Jesse being gone and the last week of summer going by, I've just felt very down. I really hate this feeling. I don't want to go back next week.

My mood has picked up as the day ended, but, all the same, I'm not so happy-go-lucky as I have been all summer long. I wish I could time leap and experience this whole summer again. It's been the best one ever.

Jessica, you will hate this song. Not only is it about gingers, you'll hate sound.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


'Twas a very meh day. I got my books, but I just don't want to go back. At all.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Eh, what a day

I cleaned the freezer! Bleh. I did almost nothing else. Thank God I'm seeing you guys tomorrow.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

200th post!

Wow, made it to 200 posts. Quite the feat, I'd say!

Well today was okay. I got to play new DLC for Fable III, which was quite nice. I played that for most of the day, then, when I finished, suddenly became overwhelmed with sadness when I realized that I wasn't going to be talking to Jesse. So I dove headfirst into the Internet and that's helped a bit. Knowing I'll see you guys on Monday is also really nice. I can't wait to watch more movies, we have such a blast.

Friday, August 12, 2011

In which I act like a motherfucking adult

This is almost literally how my day went. Woke up at 8 am, got ready for the day, left the house at 9:25 to go to the dermatologist. Tweeted about how fancy it was in there, waited for almost an hour, and saw her for two minutes. At least I got all of my questions taken care of.
Went to the fucking bank like a motherfucking adult. Deposited monies, got Maureen her birthday present, got Jessica her's, paid my fine, paid my credit card bill, got some Fable III DLC, and then chilled. Watched some Avatar, got a text from my mom saying to clean the refrigerator. It was gross, and unpleasant. Then I showered, and have been on the Internet ever since.
Also, this is for Jessica.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rolling in the Mildly Deep

It suddenly occurred to me last night how little time is left in the summer :-( I've had the most amazing summer ever, and I blame it on you guys and Jesse. I've had some shitty summers recently, so it was so wonderful to finally have just an honest to God amazing, classic summer. I'll cherish these memories forever.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In which I meet Jessica's friends right before they leave to go to college

I had an interesting day. As soon as I woke up this morning my dad calls me to tell me that he's ready to pick his moped up from getting repairs. This leads to me trying to half-ass my way through a conversation on automobiles with the lady at the store in my crappy CSI shirt with the giant hole that I've had since 7th grade. I figured I could just chill in my car, but no, I had to go in with dad looking like I just rolled out of bed. Which I did, but anyway.
Then there's a couple of hours where I listen to this song repeatedly, then get ready to go to Jessica's birthday linner at Iguana Mia's, where I haven't been since I was a small child. I had a lovely time there, seeing Austin for the second time, Sarah for the first, and learning that Jessica was punished with exercise if she got a math problem wrong. This made me lol.
Then as I drove home, this song played on the radio, which pretty much cemented me into a Beirut mood, and I've been listening to his albums on Grooveshark ever since. The Flying Club Cup and the Gulag Orkestar are such beautiful albums that put me in a French cafe in the fall and everything is so pretty and calm and emotional and I just have a lot of feelings okay ;_;

Monday, August 8, 2011

"The world is a mess and I just need to rule it."

This has not been a good month, world-wise. Famine, massacres, deaths, riots, economic woes... the world is kind of shitty right now. People keep saying pray for this and that. I think it's great that people are praying, but they should be out doing something too. At least getting the word out about stuff. Jesus didn't just pray, he did works. Every little act counts.
Somebody said that they lamented the state of things by saying the Doctor wasn't here to fix it. Well, part of the reason why I love Doctor Who is because the Doctor is such a good role model for the best humanity can be. Don't just wallow in misery, try to make people laugh, or help them when they're in need. It's what he'd do.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Deathly Hallows pt. 2 still causes creys

But it was good seeing a Harry Potter film with my mom, like I did when I was eleven. #Bookends

Friday, August 5, 2011

My power and AC are back!

Just in time for me to say that I had an excellent, silly day with Jessica :-) From Kenan and Kel, to Doctor Who, to a zombie chase, and Fable III glitchfest, much frivolity was had.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I can do an actual Irish accent now

Been watching a UK show called The IT Crowd all day. One of the characters is Irish, and now I can probably pull it off.

I wanted to play Fable III today but knew I'd get bored without new DLC, so I didn't.

I made hot dogs with Hebrew Nationals. They were delicious.

My loony grandma and aunt are coming over tomorrow afternoon and I cannot avoid it.

My allergies have been waging war on me all day.

One of the characters in The IT Crowd has a deep, husky, hammy voice that I would have sex with immediately. The voice, that is.

YouTube has just fucked up more of their sections, this time the favorites.

And that's the news of the day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hey Let's Go!

Had such a stupendous day with Ashley and Jessica watching My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service (in which I still believe Ursula is just Mae), The Black Cauldron, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (in which Frolo is crazy and evil), and Hercules (in which I think of Jesse whenever the muses start singing). This was all followed by spending about an hour in Jessica's car and talking over a multitude of things. Overall, and extremely excellent day.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I can't believe I'm sore from cleaning a car. Granted, I was washing and waxing for about four or five hours, but I'm just feeling dead. And now I have to stay up late for Pottermore. I'm not looking forward to staying up that late. I might nap until 4 am, but I feel like I might just ignore the alarm and sleep longer.