Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why Do We Fear?

I blame Jessica Cespedes entirely for making me look at scary things on TVTropes. I briefly mentioned Slender Man yesterday and she just HAD to get me to explain all about it. Suddenly I feel this urge to satisfy my curiosity about fear, so I went and looked at some individual pages linked from the Creepy Pasta TVTropes page. Whenever I do this, I always convince myself that I'm not going to be scared because it was made up by people on the Internet... then I end up getting freaked out and paranoid for an hour :-/ Then I'm back to normal until the sun goes down and then I'm back at it. Sigh....

So, question. Why do we have this urge to be scared? What drives us to look at frightening things, even when we know better?


  1. I have actually sat and thought about this in depth.. I shall post....

    The cruelest of emotions in my opinion. It can stop you from living, and yet it is completely valid to feel.

    Why is it we fear so much? In a world were pain is inevitable and as common as purell in the hands of a germaphob, why do we feel the need to protect.

    Life will happen wether you fear it or not. So maybe we should stop. stop the fear to be ourselves, the fear to try new things, and stop the idea of fear itself.

    I myself can not find a positive thing about fear. In my life it has only hindered. Think of what life could be if we didnt fear, a truly liberating experiece in which we full heartedly embraced.

    Im tired of living in the shadows of an emotion. Im tired of its burden. its time to be free of fear."

    Also. I played the clip and Shelby identified it right away tehee. :)

  2. Is it just me or is there a shout-out to me in there? ;-) And a great post, nonetheless.

  3. As for your question of what, we probably will never know.

    Human condition, a need for self preservation, protection, insecurity. But are all these causes of fear or symptoms of something bigger?

    Maybe fear is more important than we can ever know, but we just can not understand it.

  4. Here is a rule, Never ever let Ashley touch Deadspace. Ever.

  5. There is totally a shout out to you! <3

    I actually wrote it last year, when I would see you purelling it up errrdayyyy. :)

  6. Yes god please. never ever. <3

  7. I know. I was there. Rule 2 is to never let me touch Dead Space, or else you have two young adults acting like children.

  8. But me acting like a child is a constant. YOUR constant! dun dun DUNNNNNNNNNNN

  9. I am NOT to blame for you looking up scary things! #scrunchyface :D

    Oh.. and I'm not sure why we are scared of things, but I assume it's just our curiosity that we must feed! :P Without curiosity, we would have no drive to discover new things, good or bad!

  10. I think if we know it'll bite us in the ass and do it anyway it's a sado-masochistic impulse. #FreudHat
