Thursday, April 14, 2011

Question Time!

I've got nothing to write about tonight, as today was pretty casual, so let me ask you a question:

If you could live in one fantasy world, from a movie, book, game, comic, whatever, which would you pick and why?

Me, I'd pick Lord of the Rings. Since the greatest evil to ever exist has been destroyed, everything is relatively safe. Life is a lot simpler, since it can be divided into good and evil, and medieval without the shitty parts of medieval life.

Why yes, I am a dork, why do you ask?

1 comment:

  1. In Ghibli Hills, specifically where My Neighbor Totoro lives <3 I think the reasons are obvious, BUT in case it isn't: I love the scenery and the cultural setting of it all, where neighbors are actually friendly and caring and not totally self absorbed. Even if I may never get a chance to see Totoro personally, I would love for my kids to have that opportunity and to be able to grow up somewhere where hate only comes in the form of silly boys who are shy =]
