Friday, November 4, 2011

In which I read off countries, go to a hockey game, drive to Lehigh and back four times, and feel tired all day

But today was really awesome, so it was kind of worth it.

I did three hours of Hope Clubhouse today, then decided to come home. I got some relaxation time in, which helped my mood immensely. That and this wonderful weather.

I downloaded Ceremonials and enjoy it immensely. Definitely some great music.

This evening I went to a hockey game with my friend Kaitlin. I told her about Jesse, and now she wants to meet him, because she kind of looks like Hermione. We defeated the... red team 14 to nothing. I ended up feeling near frozen, even after dressing warmly, so now I'm all wrapped up in bed, desperately wanting cocoa. Maybe tomorrow.

Overall, this was an excellent day.