Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fullmetal Heart

I'm so happy we finished Fullmetal today. It went from a show I was very skeptical about into a terrific piece of media. I'm also really glad we put a big chunk into Ouran, which is basically happiness in TV form. It's awesome.


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it sir!! :D I knew you would!!!

    Ouran is crack and it's always delightful! <3

  2. Seriously, I need to do work but I want to watch Ouran so bad D-:

    Also, TVTropes supplied me with a link to read FMA online. Also also, I saw no spoilers for the first anime.

  3. YOU SHOULD READ THE MANGA! It's pretty much the same exact story as Brotherhood, but it's still interesting and brilliant :)

    Did you read the Fridge Brilliance?! Arakawa is a genius <3
