Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Full Day

Today, I rightfully gave the finger to a driver for trying to kill me, after I had woken up past my alarm. I had to hustle to the library to print off a paper, then to class to review it. I told my Civic Engagement proff the whole business about the house, and he completely understood. Not long after I got my free AIDS test (just being responsible), then had to sit through my last Gogate lecture EVER, thank God. After her class, I had a highly entertaining late lunch at Jamba involving ghetto stories from my classmate, Marissa. Then there was a quiz with Busbee, and then I had to boogie over to the condo at Laguna Lakes.

What an absolutely GORGEOUS place this was. The neighborhood alone is breathtaking, but this condo is such a huge step up from where we live now. I only hope we get the lease approved, because then I'll be quite happy.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Floating On

Today was one for the record books.

I woke up to my mom telling me that I needed to go to Costco after class. An inconvenience, but I'd do it and come home and be done. The place was a nightmare, considering it's snowbird season now, so even rushing it took me 45 minutes to from the time I arrived to the time I left. I came home, had to do a flurry of things, then, as I settled down, my mom sent me a text saying dad was coming over and we were having a family meeting. This is another inconvenience, because I have an essay to write, and now I'm concerned that something big is happening.

My dad comes by early, and tells me that I'm apparently going to have to start paying my own car payments and find a job. This is highly irritating, because now it feels like, even though I've told my mom a thousand times I'm finding a job subbing next semester, she still can't put it together that I'm going to be employed.

Ten minutes later he tells me that we've been sent our foreclosure notice and we have to move by the 22nd.

I'm just... numb for the next few hours. Mom comes home, we have our meeting, but now it's exclusively about the foreclosure. We have places in mind, but we don't know for sure. I can't fathom how cruel the judge is to do this three days before Christmas. I don't understand at all, and I'm just so tired.

I've had a paper to write, and I just can't do it. A few more hours pass, my mom is talking to Jeff and my grandpa, then... she tells me to come in. There's a condo at Laguna Lakes just listed today, and it's very possible that we'll be living there. And suddenly, things are shaping up.

Monday, November 28, 2011

I had my head examined

Today I had to have sensors applied to my head and had my brain waves studied. My research methods class needs us to be participants in a couple of studies, and this one sounded both interesting and easy. Cue me having lucid hallucinations while in "zoned out relaxation mode" and not knowing how time is progressing. That wasn't so great, but I still didn't mind the whole thing.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Television Stop Making Me Depressed

Well the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead ended really depressingly. This is all Jessica's fault. From now on, when a show is depressing, Jessica is to blame.

I'm still in a post-FMA frenzy, so I troped the non-spoiler parts to death, and have remained pure. I have also found the manga online, and will read that eventually. Tonight, I shall settle down with some Ouran.

Goddamn it, Jessica. Look what you've done.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fullmetal Heart

I'm so happy we finished Fullmetal today. It went from a show I was very skeptical about into a terrific piece of media. I'm also really glad we put a big chunk into Ouran, which is basically happiness in TV form. It's awesome.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What am I thankful for?

I'm thankful for the family I've got. Not just by blood, but from the close bonds of friendship I've developed over time. I've gone through such life-changing stuff, and my friends have always been around for me. Back at Verot, in my younger years there, I never expected to have best friends until college, and even then, it would be new people. I'm so incredibly lucky to have such amazing best friends, people that are my family and I'll know forever.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I'm on Thanksgiving Break!

Fuck yes, at long last, I'm on Thanksgiving break! It's time for relaxation, food, and Christmas decorations! With filming done, I'm now free to do nothing, and I shall make good use of it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Is it Wednesday yet?

I've got this behemoth paper to write that's due midnight tomorrow, and I would still rather film at Hope Clubhouse, and then come home to cut down shrubbery than write this thing. I'm so completely drained from writing paper marathons. They take all day and night, and I've already had several this semester. I think that's considered cruelty at some point.

I slept until noon today. I did not enjoy that. I've been out of whack ever since. Bleh.

On the plus side, I do not feel particularly ill today :-D

Sunday, November 20, 2011

So this will be a disappointing 300th post

I'm just copy and pasting this from Tumblr because I feel horrendous.

I am in a distinctive "not giving a fuck" mood.
I took Sudafed earlier and that made my heartrate skyrocket, my nose has been bothering me all day, I’ve been reading and barely understanding eight different psych papers that I will have to write a literature review for, I found out we were supposed to film for my Civic Engagement class last Monday and we didn’t and it’s my fault, which means now we’re filming on Wednesday, and I just want it to hurry up and be Thanksgiving because I am fucking done.

Sorry for the vent.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Play's the Thing

First off, this song is VERY different than what you expect. It's alternative hip-hop. But, I actually really liked it, and the song has a really deep meaning about not being loved and feeling used, so I thought that was a really nice change.

Anyway, I went to Verot's play tonight and had a great time. The cast did a really good job, and it was very surreal to see only Leanne and Sarah as the final two actors I know from our time at Verot. I really miss the atmosphere and acting, but not as much as I did after Godspell. I don't know why, but... I just don't. I do miss Ms. Day though, and the times we shared in the green room, or in the wings... I miss the good times from Bishop Verot. Those were some wonderful memories.

Seeing Jessica really perked my mood up, and I'm so excited to be at Ashley's again tomorrow.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Going to bed

I hope this illness parts ways with me soon. I miss normal things, like posting about nonsense and stuff.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, Monday, Monday

I had no civic engagement class so I got to stay home most of the day. Kind of productive. Came home after my other class: Tumblr.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

This weekend did not go as planned

So, instead of doing all of my Psych of Learning paper this weekend... I played Skyrim. Sure, I went yesterday to work on it, and we did, but only for a little while, and then we got distracted by talking, and we didn't even type anything. Then today I went to the Holocaust Museum with the girl, Kaitlin, from yesterday, expecting to be there for about 20 minutes. We were there TWO HOURS. I mean, it was well-worth it, as it was very intense, but still. I was so drained afterwards all I wanted to do was come home and relax. And I did, with Skyrim, for several hours. I didn't even watch The Walking Dead tonight I was so caught up in the game.

In case you couldn't tell, the game is awesome. I'm so excited to show you guys.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Making This Post Early

Because I imagine I'll be working past midnight with no chance to write an entry.

I volunteered at the Clubhouse for 2 hours, which went fine. I've got my 10 hours done there, thank God. I then quickly rushed over to Gamestop and bought Skyrim. Yeah, I gave in, and I regret nothing. Also, the people who work at Gamestop are actually really friendly, and they're gamers, which is great. I ran into that super blonde, pale kid that was friends with Julia for a while that we always seem to run into.

So now I'm home, about to embark on this mammoth paper that will probably end up killing me. So, if this is the end, know that I tolerated you all.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

In which I could have had my dad buy me Skyrim but didn't

I figured that'd be taking advantage, and I didn't want that.

The next two weekends will be hellish. Tomorrow, after volunteering at Hope Clubhouse for two hours, I'll be spending the rest of my Friday writing the Experimental section of my paper for Research Methods. I've recently come to learn that my professor is the only one who assigns a paper for Research Methods, as all the other teachers for that class do not. Saturday and Sunday I'll be writing my criticism of a psych paper for Psych of Learning. I'll be teaming up with Kaitlin, which... she's awesome, but I just don't know if we work well as a group for studying.
Next weekend continues to suck, because I'll be writing Kimbler's paper, including looking up all of my sources.

I'm just ready for Christmas break. I NEED it. I also need Jesse here, and Skyrim.

Monday, November 7, 2011

My body is an asshole

Body: Hey, you're up 5 minutes before the alarm! Now you don't have to hear the beeping.
Me: Oh wow, thanks! That's convenient.
Body: *Stomach cramp* GO EAT.

Body: Hi, me again. EAT FOOD.

Body: I know you just had a soda but gosh you're tired.

Body: I know you just had coffee but gosh you're tired. How about I make you feel like you got 1 hour of sleep?
Me: What? No BLERGH ZZZ.

Body: You need to pee so badly! Too bad you'll be in class!

Body: Welcome home EAT FOOD.


7:20: EAT FOOD.

Body: Hey I'm gonna make you sleep now.
Me: Huh what no do-- zzzzz.

Body: Hey, what year is this?
Me: Ugh. *Stands*
Body: Charlie horse!
Me: AH!
Body: Don't fuck with me.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I feel happy

It's been a while since I've felt really happy. I think it's because of Christmas. I just watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas, saw some Christmas commercials, and now I'm really, really excited :-D

I did some stuff around the house today, like taking down Halloween decorations. Now I'm watching The Wizard of Oz. It's a good night.

Friday, November 4, 2011

In which I read off countries, go to a hockey game, drive to Lehigh and back four times, and feel tired all day

But today was really awesome, so it was kind of worth it.

I did three hours of Hope Clubhouse today, then decided to come home. I got some relaxation time in, which helped my mood immensely. That and this wonderful weather.

I downloaded Ceremonials and enjoy it immensely. Definitely some great music.

This evening I went to a hockey game with my friend Kaitlin. I told her about Jesse, and now she wants to meet him, because she kind of looks like Hermione. We defeated the... red team 14 to nothing. I ended up feeling near frozen, even after dressing warmly, so now I'm all wrapped up in bed, desperately wanting cocoa. Maybe tomorrow.

Overall, this was an excellent day.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

And on the third day, I beat Uncharted 3

What an incredibly awesome game. The plot, the characters, the dialogue, the gameplay, everything about it was magnificent. It's so awesome, I'm going to play it all again when I can!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011