Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Sixth of 25 Songs in 25 Days

A song that reminds me of my best friend.
We were on one of our many adventures to Barnes and Noble last summer. Walking into the DVD and music area, we looked at some of the DVDs with the silliest title or ones that we actually wanted to see. We crossed over into the CDs and began looking for songs hipsters would love. I ended up picking most of them, of course. Then, she found this artist. She regaled me with stories about the silly animal hats hipsters would wear that could be found in this video, and the potentially nightmarish end that caused us to laugh loudly. This song is odd, but wonderful. Like her.

I wanted to embed the video, but it wouldn't let me >:-|


  1. I was about to say there's no video, but you just said it. #coolstory #iknow

  2. what was that I dont even.....



  3. seriously.. what the hell is going on in this video!? the children with lighter fluid attempting to light the truck on fire was such nightmare fuel (pun!) I thought the last kid to jump in was gonna die from impact into the ocean and all of the other children would be devastated - I'm glad I was proven otherwise.

    This was indeed a nightmarish video :P
