Friday, March 25, 2011

The Eleventh of 25 Songs in 25 Days

A song from the soundtrack of my favorite movie.

If adventure has a name, it must be Indiana Jones. Growing up, Jurassic Park was my absolute favorite movie of all time. But, I'd never pretend to be a character from that movie. There's a picture of me on the walls of photographs in my house of me with a toy revolver, a cigar, and a floppy adventure hat. Not sure about the cigar, but when I was a kid, I'd pretend to be Indiana Jones. As I got older, my adoration for JP faded, but my passion for Indiana Jones lived on. To this day, Raiders of the Lost Ark is my absolute favorite movie of all time. It is, in my humble opinion, the perfect movie.


  1. The song says it all. This will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day!! While I don't care for the following movies after Raiders of the Lost Ark, I will have to admit that this soundtrack matched perfectly with the epicness that occurred during it =]

  2. This song is basically adventure in audible form. It gets you pumped and want to do stuff. I love it.

  3. I pictured myself murthuring all sorts of spiders, so clearly this song does get the adrenaline pumping :P

  4. hehehe you and your Indiana Jones obsession :D

    very awesome choice :)

  5. Lol Jessica, I can only imagine you flipping out if you had all of the tarantulas on you like the guide from the start of Raiders.

    And Ashley, it is a well-deserved obsession haha!

  6. You just jogged my memory. Upon entering the Animal Kingdom, a lady stood right next to the ticket area holding a caged animal and was talking about it. It was a giant ass bird eating spider and it looked at me and I freaked out.

    If Indiana Jones was playing though, I might have been okay :P
