So I tried to look up images of Florida in the fall and this was as close as I could get. Last late fall/winter on my drive to FGCU, the Six Mile Cypress slough changed colors to a very autumn appearance. I thought this was cool until about February when it eventually looked like an irradiated wasteland of dead trees.
Anyway, I started school last Monday. Classes are hit and miss. The professors are either awesome or extremely old and dull. The people are cool or extremely quiet and bedecked in a Hollister billboard. I miss summer vacation. Now I have all of this schoolwork to do, and most of my friends have gone back to their own schools. It's depressing to think about, so I try not to. Instead, my brain has kind of switched into fall mode.
Every kid gets excited about the holiday season, which I consider to be Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. My birthday always kicked off this season, which featured cooler weather, holiday commercials, and just an unusual switch over from the regular to the festive. As I got older, these things became less interesting, but I still get excited about them, probably more than other people. It's around now when I get stoked for the change. It makes me feel inexplicably happy, which is always a nice thing to have. So when I look at my schedule for the fall, I just think, "well, you do have the season to look forward to."
Oh, and the title of this entry comes from a song from a band I just discovered called The Mountain Goats. I am not extremely desperate to make it through the year like that. Well, maybe a little.
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