Thursday, March 1, 2012

There and Back Again

Three hundred and sixty five days later, and it's all over. When I first started this challenge, I said that I hoped to become healthier, happier, and more fulfilled.

I think the pinnacle of such feelings occurred this summer. I met Jesse, I was having so much fun with Jessica and Ashley, and I had nothing to worry about for months.

Then the fall started, and there was all sorts of stress involved, topping it off with having to move out of the house I grew up in.

I can't say I expected all of this to happen. I can't say I expected to be making such a year-end post. I feel like I'm in a state of flux, and I can't shake it. My mood keeps jumping about, and it doesn't take much anymore to set me off. I think the worst of it is that this house doesn't feel like a home, yet. My mother is in love with it, and I think the disparity between us is causing a lot of the conflict in recent weeks.

Before this turns into a shame spiral, there were a multitude of great things that happened this year. I realized I was gay and okay with it, met someone I love, went to my first concert with Ashley and had an amazing time, went to Busch Gardens with Jessica, went to Harry Potter World, traveled across multiple states several times for love, turned 21, got Tumblr, and made some friends online and in reality. I feel like I've really gotten closer to Ashley and Jessica, too. They're honestly the best friends I could ever ask for.

So, at the end of the year, I'd say if I have gained anything from this year, I'd say it was enlightenment. Everyday I learn something new, good or bad. Life is random and weird, and sometimes it hurts, but sometimes it's great, too.

As I end this post, I have to say that I think I'm at a crossroads of my life. I don't know where I'm going, or what tomorrow will bring me, but it's coming, and could go any way imaginable.